Wise words from Akothee

@Akothee hapa umedinya point

Did she have her own money before spreading eagle for her flabby, wrinkly old men. Hi ni double standard.

BREAKING: Women’s entitlement to men’s cash drops to 0%,thanks to Akothee`s advice.


I agree with Akothee. Actually I agree with her business acumen. I said that last time nikavamiwa hapa:D. Look, if you are gonna sell your booty, then pls aim for the sky. Sio kuzalia tumtu umeokota Tinder-Kenya. Uza and also invest for when utazeeka…look at Corazon Kwamboka…eeeeeish.
Back to the post…her advice to her daughter is on point!!!

Corazon didn’t aim for the sky? Unajua mzungu and muarabu don’t fancy big diabs. The Akothee profile is what they like. Dark, thin, square jaw,….But Akothee is right in many things she says. Only that her sources of income are a little sketchy.

She loves herself too much because she dictates her happiness…


You got me wrong…I am a huge fan of Corazon. She did hers right too. I actually do see what Franky saw in her v Maureen Waititu.

Not to digress but hiyo logo ya Standard looks very regal.

Whoever designed it did a commendable job.


They’re still Ugly… :smiley:

rt1cgSponsofre7dh ·
Today at 10:33 AM

I just took the bull by it’s Horns ,I had to figure it out by myself & somehow it worked for me https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t6c/1/16/1f4aa.png
Three Clean Graduates under one roof .
God is Too Much
This was after church
And today we are still going to Same Church .
Don’t judge us , concentrate more on your own journey so it can be used as a testimony to give hope to the hopeless https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t6c/1/16/1f4aa.png
PRESIDENT OF SINGLE MOTHERS https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t6c/1/16/1f4aa.png
Happy Sabbath https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t7c/1/16/1f64b.pnghttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t80/1/16/1f64f.png


@veshashaillan @rue.baby @fancy_makadia

How is her baby daddy a white man?

Ako na one white Baby Dady and one Arab.

She’s diversified.

Hao watoi though ni wa mwafrika.

From first marriage all of them. Poverty background written all over them.

True dat

All those kids scream poverty, even if they swim in money

Don’t see a difference between Corazon and Maureen. Frankly is the one that seems hivi hivi.

Big difference. In Corazon he gets his match. She is quite laid back, natural na hapendi drama.
Maureen is quite high octane and loves makeup which he seems to hate. He is spoilt, likes things his way and in life you can only do what is best for you…can’t fault him. Strangely both women are lawyers so he does like women who are ‘thomed’.

I forgot Corazon was a lawyer.