Guys kuna this wireless adapter niko nayo niki jalibu kweka kwa my pals comp ambaye nili uzia ina display a message saying that windows script access is disabled…as shown below… Na ina display kwa 3 of his towers na iki Kuja kwangu izo drivers ziina ingia bila shida yeyote na nina access net through it meaning ka wireless kako sawa… Wat could be the problem?[ATTACH=full]170987[/ATTACH]
Jalibu tena
By any chance is he using smadav antivirus?
What version of OS is he running.
Do this:
Open Registry editor and navigate to [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)][SIZE=6]HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings[/SIZE]
Click enabled and change its value to 1. If it’s 0.
Regedit. heheheee… I believe you are aware this man means you do exactly as he says to the dot and not anything else.
thenks sana i will do so. na nop he is using kaspersky antivirus na os ni windows 7 na im using the same kwa anti virus na at the same time windows