Will this man ever get laid?

Im going to bed, usiku k talkers sijui mnavutanga fudhi ndio mnapost ushenzi!

Tumia tu matatu. Thank me later when you are richer.

The vatican is made up of human beings. The church is made up of human being preachers. Like all men they have flaws, yes they do.

It is easy to point out the flaws while you ignore any good the Catholic church has brought to Kenya for instance, think of the many Catholic schools and hospitals we have all attended or visited here in Kenya. In fact education in Kenya was started by the church. Hospitals, children homes, old people’s homes, scholarships, community projects etc.

Tell the whole truth not half the truth.

If you read the Book your arrogance and ignorance would decrease sharply.

Homosexual takataka

@patco niaje

I just told you the truth but you weren’t paying attention. All those things you mentioned would’ve still made it to kenya with or without the missionaries. They used christianity to “soften” Africans with turn the other cheeck and similar bs tactics. These people brought diseases, most we dont even have cures for, vaccines for the same diseases they brought, tested them on us like pigs, an academic system that further confused us,self hatred through their divide and conquer methods,you have to unlearn half the sh!t they programmed us with in 844 in order to really be free. Capitalism, a way of life that was never meant for Africans and which a lot of us never signed up for, the missionaries are the root of all of that and they set the ground for the colonizers. you talk about children’s homes as if kenya is a model example of how to treat the less fortunate, you cant even see beyond your nose at how terrible those people have it while you give away your life savings to a church ran by millionaire preachers and billionaire popes, because the system they put in place made you like that. But I understand, the truth is too bitter a pill for most people and the convenient lie too sweet to resist. Have a good night

You know what you just did? You just called your African ancestors complete moron zombies. Why do I say this?

You say the foreigners came to Kenya and altered and destroyed all the “good” stuff. Boss, the mzungu left in 1963. Why didn’t your grandparents just reset back to the “good” , old traditional ways?

Why did they choose to retain all these “bad” mzungu and Christian things?

No one placed a gun to their heads. You yourself you can change any time even right now!

In fact no one is stopping you from removing your mzungu clothes right now. Discard your Christian name and find a proper African name. Abandon this English language of theirs. Throw away all your mzungu books. Grab your spear and go back to living in the bush. And if you get coronavirus go scratch your buttocks on Mount Kenya three times and you will get healed.

Don’t visit the evil mzungu, Christian hospitals.

And about capitalism, Africans practiced capitalism way before mzungu explorers and missionaries came knocking. Trade and measure of wealth already existed. There were rich Africans and poor Africans. Currencies of the day included items like cowrie shells, copper wire, beads, rare clothe and ivory disks.

Africans also engaged in barter trade or exchange of goods e.g 1 cow = 5 goats.

Homosexual @patco ushatombwa mkundu ukatulia

OMAD is Very practical, i believe that people eat too much these days. I practice it lakini pia i relapse saa zingine and have two meals. It has enourmous benefits to the human body.

Vipi @patco :D:D

Kumbe pia wewe you are still nursing colonial hangovers? Hehehe
Anyway church is crap and a tool to control and decieve the masses

Huyu would have had an extra ~17k per month bila hio gari, money he can save or invest somewhere. Getting laid should be the least of his concern, really.

Kwani wewe sio Mungu?

Hiyo middle-class ghaseer inanunua kadudu na loan na saa hiyo salary kwa mhindi ni 44k? What’s the thought process behind such decisions, ama it’s so that they can fit in with their fake friends? Ambia jamaa auze gari, aache kupeleka pesa kwa wezi kanisa, na aogeze savings.

Most of those guys yelling in the podium every Sundays in the name of preaching, are worse than you and me.Mimi kanisa siwezi toa sadaka, pastor afanye kazi kama wengine atunze familia yake

Boss, that car is bleeding you money. Rent pia. 12k rent is too much on that salary. Housing shouldn’t take more than 10% of your income. Sell that car like yesterday and put the money towards your savings.

Omundu Muluhya detected

Sasa @captain obvious na salo yake ya 9k monthly atasema nini

Church isn’t a pyramid scheme. In a pyramid scheme, those at the bottom get high returns but in church, pastor gets a potberry