Will 27th December be a public Holiday


In December, everyday is a holiday


Does it really matter? Most of us will be upcountry showing off in our mitumba cars, @Mundu Mulosi will still be in offis evaluating Bingwa GH files, namba krancha @uwesmake bado atakua ekwiti and later on at sangara with his momos, @Gio as usual will be checking (imaginary) manenos, fiud masho atakua akicharge pacemaker, @Jirani and his squeeze Blaze will be in action, etc. Nothing unusual about 27th.


Mimi ntakua leave it doesn’t matter


I will be in my dad’s wholesale business… Making money for family

Hujapata bro or cuzo akuoe ndio pesa isitoke nje ya familia

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watu arudi kazi January 2nd prisss!..next question?(hic)…

I can’t relate.

the day afte boxing day? it will still be Christmas.