Wifi Hacking

Morning guys,

I have two phones. On one I have a hotspot for the other phone. The security is WPA. Three characters, combination of upper and lower case and ten digits for a password.

Yesterday evening I went to highway mall, a club in fourth floor. As I was imbing my froth, after being there for roughly 45 minutes I noticed that I had 2 connections on my hotspot instead of one.

I believe whoever did that used a phone or a tablet application to crack the password.

For those in the know, kindly guide me to phone applications with such capability.

Ningekuambia but I might be your victim one day

Heheeee. Kuna time I had my Bluetooth on then nikaona tufolder flying the icon for sending files to another gadget, I yanked my battery. Hackers ni masaitan



Ebu try Cain and Abel, ni software poa buddah


Be careful such apps that promise to help you hack are sometimes the ones that infect your devices with malware.

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Si io maswali ulifaa kuuliza wenzako kwa io club ulikuwa?

They are technologically challenged.

How? didn’t they hack your wife’s password?

Would really love to hack your phone/computer/nerwork. Encrpt your data and listen you ask such dumb questions.

Ok I ask again! You say they’re technologically challenged, didn’t they hack your wife?

They hacked my wifi Hotspot password.

I was in the club alone. I had no company.

Impossible to hack WPA/WPA2 using a phone

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That is why am asking for mobile softwares with such capability.

I am unable to comprehend what happened and How it happened.

Umeskia phone inaitwa pwn phone

hacking requires time i guess…especially where the password is strong…sio kitu inafanyika in a flash of a second. Maybe kwa the number of allowed connections you have allowed more than one…then maybe there was a time u were tryin to vibe a waitress there with ur wifi and hence ameconnect automatically the moment umeeka wifi hotspot on:D:D:D (maybe umesahau #fombe manenos). Anything is possible in a fisi’s life.:D:D

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About my security am jealous. I never did such a thing.

To prevent such a thing. Nowadays I do bluetooth hotspot. Atleast bluetooth is only visible to paired devices.

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