I have two phones. On one I have a hotspot for the other phone. The security is WPA. Three characters, combination of upper and lower case and ten digits for a password.
Yesterday evening I went to highway mall, a club in fourth floor. As I was imbing my froth, after being there for roughly 45 minutes I noticed that I had 2 connections on my hotspot instead of one.
I believe whoever did that used a phone or a tablet application to crack the password.
For those in the know, kindly guide me to phone applications with such capability.
Heheeee. Kuna time I had my Bluetooth on then nikaona tufolder flying the icon for sending files to another gadget, I yanked my battery. Hackers ni masaitan
hacking requires time i guess…especially where the password is strong…sio kitu inafanyika in a flash of a second. Maybe kwa the number of allowed connections you have allowed more than one…then maybe there was a time u were tryin to vibe a waitress there with ur wifi and hence ameconnect automatically the moment umeeka wifi hotspot on:D:D:D (maybe umesahau #fombe manenos). Anything is possible in a fisi’s life.:D:D