Wife trying to take over my house

Hehehe najua MGTOW battalion mtachangamkia hii story sana.
So recently i have been noticing wife being petty in the house. Our youngest kid has his crib in our bedroom. Our Master bedroom has bathroom and bath tub. Sasa madam get petty when wamelala nimewasha stima ya bathroom ati nitaamsha mtoto. Also the other day nilipata my shower kit has been moved to our guests bathroom but yake imebaki. Ati when i wake up early to go to work nikiogea bafu yetu nitaamsha mtoto na kelele za shower. The stroke that broke the camels back is when i one day took a dump kwa bathroom ya master bedroom ikanukisha bedroom yote. :D:D. Madam amelete ngori niaje…ati ninanukisha room usiku. Tuko na airfresher but she still said she can smell my shit na inaaffect mtoto. That is the day i asked her whether she wants me to live as a guest in my own house. I pay all the bills in the house. I own the house. Nilimwambia amevuka line. Ametulia sasa. These women will show us wonders. Yeah najua mgtow mtakuja kuniingilia but si ni life. Am still happy in my marriage. Its not a bed of roses. But overall wife ni mpoa. Nampenda bado.[ATTACH=full]389534[/ATTACH]

Thread ilinifurahisha ni ile mse alikua anacomplain fiancee yake ua anaamka 6 am on the dot kila siku kuhara inanukisha bedshitter yote… :D:D

Living the mbirrionares life, a house with 3 baths and toilets.

Assert yourself, calmly but firmly.

Poooouwiiii ! The one thing I love about wgtow is my private bathroom and loo…

:smiley: honestly ,you guys have the worst farts :D:D:D

Boss, usiskize upuzi wa vijana wengine hapa watakao kwambia sijui umekaliwa na kukupea advice za kupotosha. In fact these are non-issues!
Women need some space when the baby is small. You will have to make some sacrifices. There’s nothing wrong with using the guestroom bathroom. And of course you don’t want to wake babies up for them to know it’s your house, do you?:smiley:

:D:D:D hata wewe uko part of mgtow movement?

master bedroom iko na bathroom yako na ya mzee kando?

Its true. Shes like that tukiwa na watoto kwa bedroom. Those are petty stuff. I actually laugh at her for being petty. But i had to remind her whos house it is.

:D:D:D:D:D burrofcourse!

inaonekana hauta- TINGIZA KITANDA!!! anytime soon

Rink tafasari

… unaamsha mtoto bado ukitingiza kitanda :D:D

Mtoto ako kwa crib yake though. I can’t wait ahame bana. Nakaa kama refugee kwa bedroom yangu bana

Kama kushuta na kuoga inaleta issue… lazima huyu msee anapiga ponyetho…

Only that it’s a sign of respect to ask and discuss with you before moving your stuff around. Just agree on some adjustments you’ll need to make now that you have a third person in your lives. Yes, the little guy is a person you’ll have to create time, space and resources for, even ukitaka kutingiza kitanda:D

Hama hio single room tafasali:D:D

Its very easy to shit and not let any foul smell leave the toilet bowl, but am not your mother to teach you how. Chimba choo nnje uwe unaenda huko ngamia hii utaua mtoto na arufu.

Ni ahame hio bedsitter…

Ilikua hekaya but still ilikua very funny. Kwanza the way he said plop