Wife of assassinated president describes brutal attack to CNN


Ala! Aliumia mkono? Ndio walikuwa wanasema critical injuries?

Only time will tell but there’s a possibility that she knows more than she’s letting on. She says that she survived by playing dead throughout the ordeal, as if trained mercenaries who kill for a living don’t know when someone is pretending.

Also, why did the police rush her to hospital immediately after the killers had left? Shouldn’t they have continued hiding? Moise had his left eye gouged out by the killers but she doesn’t say when that happened. She says that they burst into their bedroom, shot her in the arm, searched for ‘something’ then after finding it and while speaking to someone on the phone, they turned to Moise shot him 12 times and walked out. Nothing about the gouged eye. Its sus, don’t you think??

A case of the French doing their thing. The French will never forgive Haitians for that revolution. Haiti is so e.ff.d, I don’t think they’ll ever get out of it. Look at the difference between Haiti and The Dominican Republic. Same applies to the West African former colonies. Funny thing is, if you don’t tow the line, someone will be sent to get you out… and there’s always someone, that’s the saddest thing, there’s someone.