Why would Google suggest this to me

Google is fucked up. Before you rush here saying it’s my history I don’t even stand gay discussion anywhere[ATTACH=full]372891[/ATTACH]

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D ati iko na shimo pale kwa reverse na uku mbele:D:D:D:D:D:D Looks like something that @Thiem would wear

wtf is that banae

They know what you gonna do even before you know it:D:D

umeamua kupiga kabat RKO:D:D:D:D

chokoshste wars zianze sasa[ATTACH=full]372893[/ATTACH]


:D:D:D @administrator kama google ishampa title “Gay Underwear Man”, who are you to refuse?

wazungu watutolee hii upuzi yao, yaani they are pushing hii agenda yao through all platforms

Haiya. Which hole is for what?

:D:D:D…what the actual fuck.

@Kimakia is that you

Most adverts that are displayed are mostly based on your search engine ama sites that you frequent :D:D:D
That’s the algorithm Google uses so let’s not beat around the bush hapa

:D:D:D ngotha ya @BADASS


Inaitwa dual booting:D:D:D

There are alternative search engines and browsers out there that don’t do this tracking and tracing of google.

That said, google are usually accurate with those they track…:D:D


That’s not Google. Hiyo ni AI ya Facebook.

So hio thangos inavaliwa aje? Side moja ni ya virgin ama

Wacha @BADASS afike. Hujasema poa :D:D:D