Why struggle wen u will die ?

This question has been bothering me…

You keep struggling to achieve something in life , education, good family, good hse, good everything only to die …for what purpose must u struggle then ? Why not be contented with the basic thing u have …

I struggle to [SIZE=7]LIVE, [/SIZE][SIZE=5]not to die.[/SIZE]

wacha fangi naniiii

fulfill your PURPOSE then do whatever you want, ata ukitaka kufa.

Because there is no glory in suffering…

Dio umetoka rehab Mr philosopher

@kanguthu wewe na Ki-hii kiaganu mko related?

Siku hizi ni kama unatumia madawa mbaya sana Bwana Masharia. Try to reduce your abuse of those substances

Maziwa iko na expiry date same as ahuman being…so live life before expiry date ifike…travel the world…to hell eveb get into a bar brawl in the streets of london…enda chile,Inca,Mayan ama Egypt…smoke some weed…live life so that if their is a God atachanganyikiwa with your judgement.

Because of disobedience,Sir God aliamua we shall struggle since tulikataa silver spoon alitupa pale eden.

All our struggles revolve around earning a living and sex