My experience with married people that I work with and do business with is that they do not respect themselves and they don’t respect the institution of marriage and they do not respect their spouses. In the marketplace you will find that married men and women are the biggest whores. They have no respect for others who are not interested in their wreck less lifestyle. The other thing is that they are very stressed and have alot of baggage and no money. Majority married men can only afford to date someone in college. If you are already working there’s nothing these people can offer you as sugar mummies or sugar daddies. Don’t let anyone deceive you.
I will give you personal experiences. I was doing business with this lady who would always send her husband to me. The man started bothering me by coming to my office on weekly basis and flirting with me. I smsed her and told her that if she won’t stop sending her husband to me, I will terminate our business contract. I didn’t explain bcz the way these women worship their husbands even if their own child tells them anything bad about that man, they will be mad at the child and defend the man. So I don’t bother telling them what their mischievous husbands are upto. I just tell em I don’t want to deal with them anymore and they usually comply.
They love talking shit about their wives. You pass by someone’s office they ruin your good mood by spilling their problems and faults of the wife. So avoid even just being friends with them bcz they’re depressed and all that negative energy will be offloaded on you. It’s just problems. There’s no day a married man or woman will ever tell you anything positive especially about their spouse. It’s just complaining non stop.
If you are single and you still wanna date, single people with no kids and no divorce are your best bet. These others are damaged goods. Leave them to each other.
But business is booming Rona time, just back from closing. This sun is crazy hot though. Better make money now bcz those opportunities will end with Rona.