As long as u are choosing to engage wit women to avoid being alone, you are playing a loosing game. Very soon u will start developing some clinginess, supplicating and desperate behavior. She will smell this from a mile away and shaft u accordingly.
U see, being alone can be the most empowering or frustrating thing in this life, depending ofcourse on your mindset.
As we usually say in these circles, stop projecting your need for a life partner on others … Some of us are satisfied with sleeping with a girl for a few nights and that’s about it…
People are wired differently and they have different needs and wants… If I burnt my hand on a stove, that doesn’t mean I will sleep hungry.
Actually all of those things have happened to me. More than once. I learned my lessons and made better decisions.I learnt to be more assertive, how to be attractive to high quality women, how to spot red flags, learned to lead, learned to value myself, to be alone…MGTOW to me is like a person who reads about riding a bike and talks about feeling the wind against his face. It’s not a realistic, its a lifestyle based on anecdotal evidence and a theory of how women, relationships, and the world in general operates.
My point is why would I deny myself the possibility of a fulfilling relationship with someone (after thorough vetting) because I might get clingy or get hurt? Even if things end badly for me in this relationship I still come out ahead all things considered. Or what I’m I missing?
Internal validation ,self actualization ,and pursuing your purpose,if you think a woman or children can give you meaning in life ,you are in for a rude shock.Ask yourself why married men are wasting time in the bars chatting bar maids about being stressed by their wives,what are they lacking at home?
If you develop clinginess and desperate behaviour , you should reevaluate yourself not your woman. Don’t blame her for your weaknesses, take time as a mgtow to develop yourself solid and bulletproof.
Relationships are built on trust and for that to happen you must be vulnerable to each other. Showing weakness as a man will just dry up her pussy, know the difference between being vulnerable and showing weakness.
Remember women are just accessories in your life, they aren’t necessary
These people who having a family gives them validation don’t even make good parents in the first place. 20 years from now when your kids are fucked up druggies struggling to finish a Liberal arts course in KU, you’ll wish you had gone MTGOW.
These are my exact sentiments, most guys, especially those who rush to settle down in their 20s make very very average parents. The misery speaks for itself.
You can’t make a good parent when you are in the rat race. At 26 you know nothing about parenting and you have not been prepared for the enormous responsibility of being a parent and a husband.
Ngonja at least ufike 35 when you are financially stable and mature and make that decision with a clear mind.
Very interesting debate. My humble take on this is the following.
Everyone on this planet is on their own journey. We are conditioned to follow the masses, its only the brave who clear and walk their own path. There are many ways to live: married, cohabiting, no children, many children, serrogates etc. Different people feel comfortable doing different things differently. MGTOW may work for some and not for others. There is no one shoe fits all approach to life. When you understand that, you will be confident in yourself and your own journey instead of seeking validation for the choices you have made by convincing others your journey is right and theirs are wrong. You will just do you. Kapish?
There is only 1 philosopher in this village and he’s ferking clinically mad.What kind of a name is that ati the philosopher king.Am giving you 24 hours to delete your handle and join the village with a new original handle pumbaff!!
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]A Scalded Cat Fears Old Cold Water…
[COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]I[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)] [COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]agree with @The Philosopher King about finding a happy medium with most of life’s Philosophies, Strategies & Stands MGTOW has some valid concerns and lessons but its’ on the extreme end of things. I think the point MGTOW miss its not that women are to blame, things like love, romance, companionship in relationships are very new only a few decades old ( Am sure if our great grand fathers married not for love but for somebody to help around the farm/house and to have Kids with) this is against our hardwired Biological needs to mate and fill the world!
[COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Am sure as Men we are also deeply flawed… It’s Human nature same with women. See Things as they are, Not as you wish them to be…
[COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]& On Existentialism & Sisyphus…
I have this group of older men that I drink with occasionally (early 50s to early 60s) who are well educated, moneyed, and mostly retired and are my de facto mentors. One time one of the billionaires that has been mentioned in this thread came on the news for some reason or another and this one guy gave his story. He was out of the country for business and was invited to a party by Kenyans in that country and the host happened to be the aforementioned billionaire.
It was a pool party at some rented villa and the first thing this mzee sees when he walks in is a bunch of 20-somethings in bikinis around the pool. He left the party shortly after and the look on his face when he was telling the story said it all. And this guy is no pillar of morality either, I know for a fact that he (an these guys) cheat on their wives occasionally and love their drink. It was the kind of face you would make if you saw your older brother who you have always looked up to shit himself.
Anyway; these guys have always reiterated to me the importance of having a life partner and creating a family. I’m not talking about love, which I have been made to understand is a womanish ambition and a disturbance of the mind. I mean a life partner like you would have a business partner.
I say this without judgement if you can believe me but this stuff I see here is toxic and fictitious. Apparently I’m supposed to be an independent empire builder and I only need to cough and the elastic around a beautiful woman’s panties vaporises instantly. Even if that were true, that the stories here are real, I don’t think you can sleep around indiscriminately (let alone associate with people indiscriminately) without corrupting a part of yourself. Everybody has a right to live as they wish and I don’t dispute that. All I am saying is that there is a right way to live - and MIGTOW doesn’t seem to be it, much as everybody has a right to do what they want with their life.
Tuangalie hii story from a psychological point of View.
Let’s face it. Most MGTOW guys didn’t have father figures growing up. Going MGTOW is a symptom of a problem. A reactionary resolve that accomplishes nothing. I’d say most of those men have no fucking idea what a family looks like nor what being a man is. So they go their own way to protect themselves from rejection.
I am a Nihilist, so I guess I’m MGTOW by default. My nihilism is a symptom of a problem. And just like MGTOW, it’s a coward move.
Get help guys.
Most mgtow guys were once married or in relationship and have seen female behavior first hand,two ,mgtow men aren’t nihilistic,we just choose not to play the game but we are very capable players if we chose to play,you are confusing mgtow men and incel ,most incels / black pillers hide under mgtow just to soothe their egos and lack of getting women.I would urge you to familiarize yourself with the RED PILL philosophy first , understand it and internalize it’s teachings before going MGTOW/ critiquing it
Haha. Dude, I recite the Iron Rules of Tomasi in my sleep. I know Red pill in and out. I learnt Red Pill straight from the source (The Rational Male) MGTOW and Red-pill are not related at all. I repeat. MGTOW and Red-pill are not related at all.
the most common criticism of MGTOW is some variation of the claim that one has a duty to have children.
Lakini, the supply of virtuous, mariage-quality women is far lower than the number of men willing to marry them. The few men who go MGTOW do not make the marriage/children situation worse. And if you could snap your fingers and destroy MGTOW and put all of them back out on the dating market, you wouldn’t magically get more marriages or more children. All you would get is more competition for the existing men.
MGTOW is a THOT defence.