Boss pia sisi tuko na access to YouTube, hii ufala ya kutoa content YouTube huko unadrop hapa bila argument tuache.
hii irungu itatembea after jailed for a lesser charge ya kujishoot on purpose:confused:.No probable cause,no murder weapon,change of statements from associates.Even hio DNA wako nayo,(joes tadpoles i presume),is circumstancial design ya lewis otieno and that girl even though all evidence points to him.Remember O.J simpson. But kenya sleuths are ‘sleuther’,they can pin anything on you and it will stick,pana chesa na mkono ya sheria ya kenya :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
walipata DNA kwa fingernails za Monica. nibkama alikuwa nafight back saa ile ako ananyongwa polepole
hapo umenena
Damn…kwani ni FBI wanafanya izi investigations? Hizi ni vitu tunawatchingi kwa tv series kama elementary.
I honestly think hii kubadilishiwa uniform imefanya polisi waamke…hehe
ni njoti za joe zilipatikana kwa ikus,si alishinda kejani monday night hadi wednesday kuamkia thursday ama? kwani aligwarwa kwa rasa ama mgongo? [SIZE=2]well that could be one way of getting DNA:confused:[/SIZE][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][SIZE=4]hawawezi sema tu live kwa tv “wapekuzi walipata manii za mbugua ndani ya uke wa bi kimani” nigga !![/SIZE]
Irungu asipoenda jela, then Kenya is a lawless country. Hii itakuwa ni failed state kabisa.
No way…it’s too perfect. Ama labda this Jowi guy is being set up…our D- cops know all the right places to get evidence and they are revealing their every discovery to the media…something feels off.
Or rough sex.
Huyu Truman, anajua sex yake kweli?
Ongea kidogo kuhusu what you think. Juu tulishacheki vidaa, maoni tukatoa kwa youtube comments section.
were it not for that shooting incident I think this case would not have been solved, and contrary to some I think it was a very professional job (in a bad way, killing is not good) - too bad for the guy if you date unstable women with a liking for drama they will get you into trouble.
hii story ya ati jamaa tried to commit suicide alaf kesho yake anaeka mbica kwa mtandao haimake sense. …
Swali ni who is paying the Investigators to “Sing”? Find out who that is and you have the hidden hand behind kina joe and Ms maribe’s predicament
@Trumancopote_naona unaongelea Joseph irungu sanaaaa unakuanga na nini na yeye(NB I didn’t write jowie)