I loved 3 equally. But when I broke up with them I got 3 different results.
Somali walked away. She completely walked away. She was sick and tired of my shit and probably thankful to be away is what I think.
Kamba was always a piece of shit, she went on to fuck other guys even though she kept coming back.
Kyuk has stayed the course. It has been I think 82 months now. As far as I know she has never cheated. Even when I was a total arse,
I always thought when push came to shove Somali would be my home. Seems it is Kikuyu.
I’ve been all around the world and av seen all kinds of women.
God chose to bless me with this one. Saa inakaa ntaanza kuenda church. By the way phone me hutumia she is the one who bought it in 2019
when I was stranded in some remote place. Doesnt even blink when I need her.
You waza way too much about relationshits. How do you juggle several educated empowered women at the same TODAY and expect to have one commit themselves ‘just like that’?
Last time you posted that the Msomali blocked you. Has she unblocked you? tuanziee hapa…
… Kikuyu women hujitolea mhanga, provided you are a man who knows his purpose. Goal oriented. Unajuwa kufanya investment na the little you have, unaonyesha nia… etc
Kuna mnyama anaitwa crocodile belonging to the class reptila in the animal kingdom. The whole wide world, no animal exhibits patience more than the crocodile. In hunting stealth mode, he stays under water, holding his breathe until the prey comes to him, then he strikes. During drought, he hibernates for even six months, then emerges like nothing happened. Among humans, only a kikuyu damsel matches these characteristics. Legend has it that only those ones from Murang’a are genuine, but the question is, do you really wanna test if a pistol is real during a stick up? I guess not.
nimenotice unaogopwahuku. am ok with disagreeing with you and still knowing you are valuable, work on winning sambamba back. the rest no one cares, but I think you lose something when you dont get his perspective. On my side al always defend you. I know what you offer.
Owacho adier. Atwara dhi tolerate timbegi maricho duto te mondo ikendgi alafu weche ochakre gi kanyo. Of course nitiere moko ma beyo but anto ngama osekadho igni pieor ariyo gi achiel ok anyal amini
There is a reason why I use the block button. I don’t need to see somethings. Nilisema hata nikiwachwa nikisoma 1 thread hapo ni sawa.
Life is too short and too good too…