What I gleaned from my Patch friend is dude did ‘expose himself’ and was arrested and apparently he admitted he has a prob. So they are also not sure what happened hapo in between arrest and deportation but it must have been serious…but he sure got deported from Ohio. And they acknowledge he was vvvv private about his life yet he is in their old students group.
Talented he clearly was but had a very dark side like most serious artists. Now what confused me much which is why I did not come back to you …is why his secondary school education portfolio mentions another school not Patch. My gud trusted friend confirmed several times that he was in Patch…and I realised I was beginning to sound like an untrained journalist by repeatedly asking him…are you sure?
This man had lots of skeletons. It would be beneficial if we knew who he was going to meet on the day he met his fate. Therein lies the key!
I will tell you why. He was gey in Pach. Prolly had a bf there and some folk knew it, hence the removal from his obituary to avoid drawing attention to it incase someone goes to the bloggers. That guy was get, there’s no way an African man can stay with out a woman. You can see how hard it is even for these mgtow Champs. I saw in a wamama private group that he would frequent Gypsy a gey pub. Anyway let us allow him rest in peace. T
Yeeees this gay angle explains my questions. My Patch guys swear that he was in Patch… and then we read he was in another school in Masaai land. Hunh?deflection of sorts. Has the lorry driver said a ‘word’?
Gypsy is a gay pub…and also where our beautiful Uni girls are picked for servicing…
Acheni kuharibia jamaa jina na unconfirmed romours. I know women hate it when they see an unmarried man and start spinning all manner of tales. So if you are not sure he was gay, msimsingizie.
My 6th sense tells me that the guy was gay and it’s rarely if hardly ever wrong. Were you in Pach? You know that gey folk also can be very devout Christians. Anyway I never knew him so let’s hope it’s hearsay. Here’s a gay pastor.
Gay community is a very private club bcz of the stigma in Kenya. Alot of big shots in Nairobi are gey tho they have their respectable families to cover their asses with. No pun intended. There’s also alot of geyism in boys schools. Awhile back a case iin upper hill Wea a boy in form 1 was gang raped by a group of older gey boys.
Ever watched this guy. He’s hilarious. And don’t watch it near your hubby. It’s vulgar, in a funny way though. Funny haha not funny weird or a little bit of both.
Never call anybody gay! …Gay is a nice name for a poop-pusher. Nasty and smelly! Those nice euphemisms make some think gayism is a lovely encounter. Describe for them what they do, and they shall have a reason to think about better options!