because in Africa, clients are more likely to be return customers. it’s common for men in Africa to have sex with particular workers often than in western countries where sex with sex worker is most likely a one time thing and will change to another worker.
Don’t get it wrong, prostitution in western countries is even higher than Africa. A large % of the male populations has slept with a sex worker in their life there.
The chances of being infected by someone carrying the virus is not high but regular times increases the chances.
Pedestrian explanation. The main reason for high HIV rates among sex workers in Africa is the way bonobos treat sex work as a total abomination. That simply means the government does nothing to make the occupation safer because the pretentious, self-righteous “conservative” religious assholes will condemn it. In places like Thailand, they actively offer counseling and treatment services to sex workers.
Prostitutes who contract HIV are trained on alternative sources of livelihood, which reduces the spread. In Brazil, they even offer high-risk sex workers free PrEP pills. Huku bonobos wanakemea umaliar mchana halafu usiku wanajazana kwa danguro.
Alternative explanation. HIV prevalence among sex workers in Africa is higher because the prevalence in the general population is also higher. It has less to do with sex workers and more to do with the general population.
The same way I would expect HIV prevalence to be higher among sex workers in Nyanza than Central.
Different angle…sex workers in Africa don’t get the requisite information on prevention andll management of HIV, thus the high rates of infection.
Studies show that an HIV+ person who is on ARV’s treatment regimen, and has a high CD4 count (coz of the arv’s) is highly unlikely to pass on the virus to the dry friers and the ‘wangapi wamekula’ battalions resident in this village.
True. Remember recently the chief Hustler offered some lumpsum to Makueni sex workers for them to engage in alternative income generating activities but sooner ODM cows were all over the place condemning,
But then the uncircumcised are the most at risk of contracting STI, AIDS, check national statistics,