Why dont FRESH 23 yr old chics learn from 32+ yr old single mothers

Turuman Kaput aliniblock…:D:D

The only power in this world is having money. Not having a penis. The only power men have is the power women give them. If things were like before where my great grandfather married 16 women bcz he could provide bila kulia Lia about tokens and airtime you would have nobody to give you sex and children. Unfortunately women nowadays are not bright. Ambia single mother aje I hook her up with a loaded polygamous man awachane na mambo za brokeass husband where you have no money and no freedom. Better yet tell her aingie vikundi za wamama so that she can be minting money for herself and her kid. Asahau stress na upuzi za wanaume broke. I am waaay past 32 and I still can’t accept to even go on a date with a broke man no matter how hot and handsome he may be. Afadhali nisahau kuna watu huitwa wanaume. After all what am I losing by avoiding them? Tell her to say no to penis addictions. Mwanamke ni gharama, if you can not afford, kua shoga. Nature intended for men to provide for women, if you don’t want that just join gey community to get free sex. Wanapenda kupeana bure. Give her this video on penis addictions. First of all kulalalala na wanaume ati ni dry spell is a sure way ya kuibiwa nyota yako. Which dry spell is this which me I don’t experience. The only dry spell I know is when I see a broke, busted and disgusted man full of dust trying to step to me. I am ALLERGIC. I need hot water and lemon. Kama dawa ya Corona. Stop disturbing elders with peasantry problems. Tafuta pesa kama wewe ni mwanaume. I know right now hata watu wa marentals hawana pesa. Especially those building coz mjei haijui Corona kazi lazima iendelee. But hii misoto yako sio ya Corona. You are just a dusty. Cough. Cough. Sneeze. Level Up.

Give your friend this…

Hii ni dawa ya addiction to poverty penis. Take a listen after every 8 hrs. Hio pepo ya desperation and penis addictions itaisha.

hii description ni specific sana mzee

what do you mean to say mzee wetu?