The first to assume this would be their big winner was Raila during grand coalition. in 2012, uhuru wakamgeuzia wakachukua all the new votes. Ruto now beleives this is is his master stroke to replace his lost votes. But this will come with a few unexpected problems.
The first one of course is that it will be a chance for radicals to acquire kenyan passports, fly to the US, where they will do some pew pew, which will lower our security rating, and make our own passports smaller in standing.
The second is that this people will come with their stomachs, they will want more money, and more positions. So in the next election, Ruto will have to offer them half of government or a VP, that will change the political dynamic as well.
Third is that they could just decide they do not want to be in kenyan anyway, and come with radical ideas, and begin an independence struggle.
There is also the chance that the opposition could just promise them better things, seeing as they are not bund by any agreements. So Ruto will lose the election anyway