@Mundu Mulosi @Deorro @old monk why do you guys keep on pulling down my avatar and yet spare such[ATTACH=full]67688[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]67689[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]67690[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]67691[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]67693[/ATTACH]stop applying double standards please
Siku Justice Maraga atalegalise gayism tutaicha
[SIZE=5]Because you are a gross disgusting creature, crawl back to the sewers you so enjoy you incontinent twat ! [/SIZE]
@IamsoGothIShitButts has rights too!
If u pull down his avatar… Pull down @uwesmake @Jirani et al too
Thank you so much
Gay people have no rights whatsoever
In your savage society
Finally umevunja closet
Sijavunja… But I think he deserves to do what he wants with himself sexually… Its unfair for us to force down his throat our own sexual inclinations
If we feel his gay avatars are distasteful …then ours are too, at least to him
Actually they do, I’d prefer a gay friend over a rapist
Msee umeamua kuvunja closet asubuhi?
Naona hapa there are heterosexual who are targeted. To answer you iamgothamthisshittyfuckedupbuttocks is that its normal to be heterosexual but the homosexual crisis cooking in your head is a nuisance. Enjoy your gayness in silence or closet. Unatusumbua
What if your gay friend rapes you who will you prefer then ?
Can i ask u a question? I have two gay neighbors. Good guys but they are soo loud when they screw. The other day they were using a vibrator in the morning! I was shocked! wy do u guys need a vibrator while u carry the natural one? Also enlighten me coz all along i thot that the person who gets HKM is cheated coz the other one get to come n release na huyu mwingine anachafuliwa tuu. But when i heard the sound of a vibrator, i started wondering kwani i have been decieved all along… tafadhali jibu maswali yangu with footnotes and references where necessary! Ahsande!
Kenya is a heterosexual country. In fact, gayism should be made a punishable offence like in other countries. Akitaka kuweka uchafu kama picha aende obama talk.com. Hata koran inataja Adam and Eve. Hakuna Steve ama Evans na hatutawai watambua. Kama ako na shida na matako ya wasichana ahame. Hapana bembeleza taka taka
And @mabenda4
why should you live in constant fear of being raped by someone smh…
Pengine generator ilikataa kuamuka
Was trying to trigger logic argument to your sentiments that" I prefer gay friend to rapists" .you are the one who quoted the rapist thing. .mine was to question the logic in it. …but sio vita baba