The modern woman is apparently largely unaware of the demands of family life.
We were talking to young women and their ideal dream man…
‘Wealthy, good looking, compassionate…’
ALL the ladies feel they deserve to be with such man.
I posed the question:
‘Let’s take a sample of 100 people. There are roughly 50 men, and 50 women. There are, however, only about 5 good looking men who are wealthy and compassionate. What would make these 5 men, leave the other 49 women for you?’
I am not making this up…
None of the women had considered that!
The idea that not all women deserve the very best men, like not all men deserve the very best women was new to this group of educated girls.
Men are VERY aware of this fact. It’s hammered into us from our kindergarten days. Women, however, never get to confront this reality until it’s too late.
The hollywood dream is for a woman to get a man that overlooks all their weaknesses, loves them, pampers them, and takes them out to trips in the bahamas.
It’s a good dream, but…
Very few women deserve this man.
And tbh, such a man, with all these options, will not be looking to settle for just any woman.
Women are intrinsically wired to WANT Grade A of everything, from clothing to partners, and they never stop scheming. Add their group of ‘think tanks’ and the dad factor and you have a powerful force for influence and idealistic expectations. Our ancestors knew what they were doing when they treated women like children, because if you don’t shock them into reality and give them firm NOs once in a while they mind-fuck you and run you into the ground with ever-increasing demands. Once you’re completely eroded they say you were never enough anyway, and seek new energy, blood, and money. All partnerships are an enterprise for females.
The other day I was chatting with a certain lady, dark skin as they come. She mentioned something to me about getting a yellow yellow. On inquiring why she thought so, she said that it’ll be brutal for me and another dark skin to give birth to dark skin children. Never mind that she is black herself but vehemently denies it by claiming she’s chocolate. So I asked her where she expected black girls as herself to go coz I doubt any lightskin man will settle for some darkskin bitch. Nilipigwa butaa because alinipiga block.
Take a look at your life right now, career wise or in terms of personal growth do you push yourself to be the best version of you or do you settle for less ?
If you walk into a showroom and you are given a choice between a Toyota V8 and a Toyota Vitz.Utachagua Gani ?
Saa Zingine let’s be honest with ourselves. All humans want the best and what makes them happier is the best. It’s not even about scheming.
That’s more of an observation than criticism, compadre. One of the primary differences (they are many) as I see it, is that women always look to fix even when it’s not broken, so her dude will always have something to prove on even when it’s all good (subjective). A woman writing about how to be a man boils down to her presumptions of the quintessential man. You know, looking for Chad when you have a Chad at home:D:D… until you have no Chad at all.
Very true, but also the problem here is that society doesn’t equip most women with what they need to afford the V8. Everyone wants the V8, but not everybody has the capacity to buy the V8.
In the past, when virtue was highly-valued, marriage was a means to sex. It was virtually impossible to sleep with a lady without marrying her. Men had to take full responsibility of the woman to get sex. Women, in those times, had sex at their advantage and could leverage it for a good man.
The mentality that informed that society persists even now when society changed. Sex is very free, so the good man will not esteem it high enough to marry someone for bedroom privileges. But for most women, that’s all they are willing to bargain with.
Every woman thinks they have the option of a V8 and Vitz, but no. Very few have the option of the V8 because they can’t afford it.
Very few women have what it takes to make a man abandon all other good-looking women for them.
Think of it like this:
Most women desire to have a man of their own. A man who will love them and put them first. A man who will provide, love, and sacrifice all for them.
Men want a woman who will take care of them, respect them, and raise them the best kids in the neigborhood.
The problem is that men are taught from a very youn age that teh woman they want isn’t availbale to every man. They must be competent, they must learn to listen, they can’t betray the woman’s trust… etc.
They know what it takes to attract the ideal woman.
Most women, however, don’t know what they need to attract their ideal man. They know how to bed the ideal man, but not how to keep him.
Until the modern woman learns what their ideal man wants, they are incapable of winning them over.
Women are taught that men want sex and nothing else…
Sad reality is that men may want sex with everyone, but will only raise a family with a particular woman. Just like women will only accept a particular suitor.
Women, however, for the most part, only rely on the physical. Then complain when the men they pursue treat them as pleasure objects and leave them for another woman when they want to marry.
Men and women all wake up and push to achieve the best out of life.
I think most men head into dating being unaware of how the sexual market place operates.
Women as the gatekeepers of sex and reproduction are wired to want to be with the best of men for both reproduction and provision purposes.
No more has this been important than in this time, in the advent of the internet, women empowerment, extreme feminism and gender equality. This is nowadays overtly communicated.
Many men get done bad because we tend to think logically in what’s ambiguous (emotions and relationships), but it is what it is.
Is a woman a virgin or not? That should be the question to bother you. Ukinyimwa maku na dem sio vajo hakuna kitu umehata juu ishalimwa already. Ni kama tu mtu amesafishwa nyumba mzima ananyima mtu mwingine kuchungulia hiyo nyumba na ata haina any.
it’s called penis envy. All women desired to be nothing more than us but they will never have that no matter how many pronouns they invent and that’s why they become part of us, move from people they have known all their lives nd take up our names. Becoming part of a man is the closest a women will get to fulfilling penis envy