Shida ni serikali si ya Wakenya. Military drafting ufanyie kazi serikali inatesa wananchi
There were discussions. Jomo Kenyatta ignored all agreements and did want he wanted. The Mau Mau for instance wanted land to be subdivided equally to all people. Jaramogi also wanted all white people to live. Ronald Ngala wanted each province to be given autonomy.
There is a difference between what you arr calling a ‘discussion’ and a dialogue. What Jomo had was just a talk of sorts because his mind was already made up : he was now the king of Kenya and he could bloody well do whatever he wanted.
A dialogue on the other hand brings out a concensus. A tangible concensus: RESULTS!
Jomo was not interested in results. He just wanted to gauge who was friend or foe from those discussions. He wanted to know other leaders’ stand on specific matters. And you can tell because he immediately started getting rid of any threats to his leadership.
Had there been a dialogue Kenya would be a very different country today. Because in a dialogue you decide on questions like “what will Kenya be good at?”
Is it agriculture or manufacturing or tourism? How do we make sure that in say 20 years Kenya will be the best country in manufacturing?
You seat down and draw a masterplan.
But with Jomo he just started grabbing land! Taking over British farms…
And you are right Jomo did what he wanted.
Ni vile umeandika ‘did want what he wanted’.
Sikuwa nimeelewa vuzuri ni nini unasema.
During the months in a military boot camp the youth acquire technical hands on skills which are 10 times more valuable than the useless paper degree in Kenyan universities.
Technical and theoretical knowledge are all important you have to combine both to be innovative
Black and order is like oil and water. Default setting yetu ni disorder. Order to disorder, like the universe.
Beba mzigo wako