Why do many African Americans convert to Islam?

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Ahmad Rashad, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Dave Chappelle na rappers wengi kama Ghostface Killah, Kevin Gates, Lupe Fiasco, Mos Def



They believe Christianity is the white devil’s religion that’s why.

The question should be do they become practising muslims after converting?

Back in the 90’s and 80’s it was a fad among celebs and athletes who tried to act tough and rebellious following in the footsteps of Malcolm X but felt ‘alienated’ by the overt ethnonationalism of Nation Of Islam, the guys that introduced Malcolm to Islam.So these guys convert to mainstream Islam trying to depict themselves as some sort of woke niggaz in the eyes of the mainstream america but reject the socio-economic and political underpinnings of Nation of Islam. Ice cube, a burbs kid that turned gangsta and converted to Islam in the early 90’s, could not get a role movie role in Jew Hollywood if he was an acolyte of NOI. If they are muslims and afraid of Farrakhan, they are just sissies with no backbone.

Do not forget that many of the slaves were originally Muslim.

Hii ni umeffi. Black muslims together with arab muslims dealt in black non-muslim slaves.

Omar Ibn Said was 37 years old when he was taken from his West African home and transported to Charleston, South Carolina, as a slave in the 1800s. Now, his one-of-a-kind autobiographical manuscript has been translated from its original Arabic and housed at the Library of Congress, where it “annihilates” the conventional narrative of African slaves as uneducated and uncultured.

America's First Muslims Were Slaves

Slavery in America began in 1600’s or even earlier not 1800’s.Who do you think sold those slaves to the Portuguese at the coastal ports? By the 1800’s, Europeans(Portuguese) had already subjugated parts of West African coast/ports and no longer relied on “African” slavers for the supply of slaves that’s why they could get hold of muslim captives.
Aliko Dangote may have benefited from slavery money.:smiley:

Most African American men will be jailed at some point in their life. Now when they go to jail, they find that the Nation of Islam has deep roots in proselytizing this faith. Most of them get indoctrinated in prison, as was the case with Malcolm X. Another reason why Islam has a pull on black Americans is because it allows them to marry more than one wife. It’s a win-win for both sexes because black American women who wish to enjoy marriage can finally get married to a man who eschews alcohol and believes in providing for his family. Remember there are very few eligible bachelors in the black community compared to women.

Is it common uko for muslims who are born n bred in the US to have more than one wife? How can the dude handle “4 angry Black American” women if 1 is difficult enuff?

Christianity is a religion for women and sissies. Christianity has been run over by gays and trannies. It’s no longer appealing to majority of men anywhere in the world not just black america.

Polygamy is the act or condition of a person marrying another person while still being lawfully married to another spouse. It is illegal in the United States. The crime is punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both, according to the law of the individual state and the circumstances of the offense.[3] Polygamy was outlawed in federal territories by the Edmunds Act, and there are laws against the practice in all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, Guam,[4] and Puerto Rico.[5]Because state laws exist, polygamy is not actively prosecuted at the federal level,[6] but the practice is considered “against public policy” and, accordingly, the U.S. government does not recognize bigamous marriages for immigration purposes (that is, would not allow one of the spouses to petition for immigration benefits for the other), even if they are legal in the country where the bigamous marriage was celebrated.[7] Any immigrant who is coming to the United States to practice polygamy is inadmissible.[8]
Many US courts (e.g. Turner v. S., 212 Miss. 590, 55 So.2d 228) treat bigamy as a strict liability crime: in some jurisdictions, a person can be convicted of a felony even if he reasonably believed he had only one legal spouse. For example, if a person has the mistaken belief that their previous spouse is dead or that their divorce is final, they can still be convicted of bigamy if they marry a new person.[9]

Black muslim women do not act like the average instagram thot. They act more like isich female muzzies cloaked in buibuis and shit.

Bigamy is illegal in most states. However, because the shortage of black men is so dire, black American women convert to Islam for their man’s sake. They will gladly share the man as common law wives. For some reason Islam makes the typical “angry black woman” become quite submissive. It also becomes part of their subculture that resists the dominant white religion of Christianity. For example, I’ve gone to supermarkets in black communities and found a lot of black women covered up in the niqab, which is the most extreme clothing for Muslim women.

cant relate

Christianity became a joke in Murica with it’s preach water and drink wine practices. These modern churches huku are doing the same

To evade the fangs of Illuminati.

The Atlantic slave trade peaked in the last two decades of the 18th century. This just but one loud/conspicuous voice or witness… under the circumstances.

Most African Americans don’t have what you may call tangible cultural history, it has been changed by heavy assimilation into the American society. Other slave descendants diaspora outside the united states have some semblance of African culture from the carribean to South America. With many Slaves of the United States having been brought in from Senegambia, and Western parts of west Africa rather than Nigeria and Ghana,and the mostly import from Kongo.Most African American converts in the mid 1900’s were pulled into it by belief it was the religion of their ancestors. Later converts are of their informed decisions or they look up to Mohammed Ali and Malcolm X. These days you have the Hebrew Israelites and even so called aboriginal Americans so you haven’t grasped the religious and cultural ties/beliefs of the American Black.