[SIZE=4][FONT=times new roman]I greet you all in the name of Christ, Son of David.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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I know I’m not alone in this, when coming into Nairobi you can feel the energy shifting for the worse especially when you start closing in towards Westlands. You can feel the energy change and your conscience just tells you you’re in for some negativity. The world in general is a messed up place we can all agree on that, and we can also agree that some areas are more messed up than other parts of the world. People have just started being vocal on this subject, you know, addressing the elephant in the room and this is one of the things that gets discussed when one person starts talking about it.
Large cities are known for this and I often ask myself what could be the cause of it. Is it the amount of sin in the area? The workers of iniquity that have gathered in numbers or the spiritual bankruptcy of the occupants. Jesus Christ said that He is the vine, and we are the branches; apart from Him, we can do nothing. So that is why when a society drifts further from Christ and His righteousness, death starts; a spiritual death that radiates to the outside of the person’s body. This is why you can always feel the difference between a child, a born-again person, and let’s say a 30-year-old who is not born again; the difference is telling.
The infamous Sodom and Gomorrah seemed to have had the same feeling such that God Himself came down to see for Himself what in the world was going on down there. The dark aura produced by the sins they were committing eventually reached the Heavens, and the Lord nuked them. People in every part of the world feel like something is on the verge of happening, and what better thing should it be than the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, to save us from this shithole.
[CENTER][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4]''Then the LORD said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous thatI will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.” -Genesis 18:20-21
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=4]But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby. Ezekiel 33:19[/SIZE][/FONT]
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It’s true, you’re definitely on to something about big cities. I made a life change by moving to a rural area on a few acres of land next to a stream. The peace and trees here felt like a rebirth, even the birds sound like angels. God is certainly in the nature that He created, not concrete jungles and worldly systems. Also God’s people are simple minded farmers and flock keepers not desiring puffed up “education” or big cities like Nimrod’s phallic civilizations to reach God. It’s extremely hard living off the land when you’re used to buying everything from the supermarket but “living off the grid” is no longer an option for us as Christians. City living makes one soft and lazy which is bad given the turbulence ahead. We must be prepared for the squeeze (before rapture time) and keep separate from the world. Things will get ugly, fast. The Bible says in Revelation 18:4 “come out of her my people so that you may not be a part of her plagues” which means separate yourselves from the world. Do you think it will be a financial squeeze? Another pandemic? Food and oil shortages? The Ukraine situation is teetering towards a nuclear Armageddon! This world is surely falling apart rapidly but we’re privileged to have Christ because we will be spared most of it (but not all). These minor tribulations I believe will wake up the bride into a perfect state before the rapture. Matthew 25:6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’” This midnight cry is the squeeze, which will be a warning shot for the bride to wake up and prepare to meet the Bridegroom, Jesus.
Elon Musk recently said he has a “super bad feeling about the economy” as well as other financial oligarchs all saying the same thing. About that feeling in the air, the world definitely senses something huge is about to happen. They say it’s the “economy” , “inflation”, “Putin” whatever. We know what it is…Lord help us. It’s getting darker and darker out there.
1.Generally…civilization was found when man was in a quest to live without the Voice of God after the Garden of Eden…under Cain.This is why it is so difficult to even hear the Voice of God while in a city because of the noise…and this is why men of Yahweh like Moses,Elijah,John the Baptist and Yeshua Himself withdrew to the mountains/wilderness to pray and fast.
It is very difficult to hear the Voice of God when the voice of the world is too high…We must withdraw.
2.Cities are filled with all forms of pleasure and goodies…and these things become a snare to the relationship of Yahweh and man.It is also common practice that when cities and even nations (or civilization in general) are rich and lack nothing…it is in the heart of man to forget Yahweh.Look at the times of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah,Israel when they got to the promised land(infact Israel fell under the rulership of Solomon…the richest man on earth) Babylon under the rulership of Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar…History also accounts of cities like Egypt,Rome,Pompeii,Atlantis and now USA and Europe…To man once he has plenty…plenty starts to speak to him…and Yahweh becomes a burden.