Why do good things only happen in Tanzania and not in Kenya?

Is it because Kenyans have invested a lot in talking instead of working? Many of us know that Kenyans have invested a lot in talking and praising themselves stupidly instead of working.

Every day they talk about political issues about removing their president instead of making development plans.

The country of Kenya does not have reliable resources. Instead of staying united, Kenyans burn their country every day.

Tanzania is very comfortable. Everything is going well. Here in Tanzania we have enough food. There is no food in Kenya

Unauza mcea gapi? Asking for @GituK7 who will make sure he arranges your bowels as he sees fit

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Have you ever used even 5% of your brain? Because I see you are outside the topic we are talking about.

Have you eaten yet?

Because all our money is being stolen and going to build somalia. Because if you think about it, who does somalia do business with except kenya. Think about it critically. There is no trade between somalia and their sworn enemy ethiopia. Yemen their other neighbor is in shambles. So realistically, this money they have is stolen from kenyan through import of fake shit that is illegally crossed into kenya without paying taxes

Some meat from a goat. ,I know you have eaten some albino muturwa , you know you cunts are very very stupid and canibals . Your phylum is canis. Do you understand nomenclature?

People with ideas like yours are the ones who make Kenya continue to decline :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

These propagandas were used in 1932, are you still using them today? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Now you are laughing like a whore , do you know wat is a whore ?

You write the word and then you look validation from me.

Have you eaten :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

We will fuck you and your Samia , we can fist you up if you like . Do you love fisting
family thanksgiving GIF by LAZY MOM

I do that to your mother every day. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Also here in Kenya , we can open your exhaust with a mattock coz you seem to be more than stupid

Your mother always hits her with a hot iron

we aren’t talking about my mother , we are discusing about your filthy loose Tanzanian greenish slime leaking buttocks you filthy animal

Your mother is sweet :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

@GituK7 kuna mcea hapa

Unalia nini? :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: Do you think I can’t talk trash words?

You are stupid and after your bowels are rearranged we will see if you will get some brains

Your mother is the most stupid. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

But wiser your your loose buttocks

Your father regrets losing his sperm and you were born.