I drink moderately,
I dumped off leeches and toxic company,
I can decide not to drink for a certain period and achieve it.
And lastly and most importantly am not an alcoholic.
@ 28 i am yet to taste alcohol…
You haven’t lived.
And i am not planning to…
Back in high school i was forced to smoke weed…long story short the experience after was horrible ,i decided i was going to stay away from all those things…
What’s your poison?
Black spots on my liver, loss of weight and general stress. But I lost many friends afterwards.
Height of escapism.
you either a kawasaki ninja or a rapist
Adonbilivit…even priests have a poison.
Where did you get them.I am in dire need of company right now.
Stopped after me and my buddy woke up from the cemetery along forest rd near pangani after drinking late into the previous night.We were both students at colllege used to be known as KSPS.
umama na kiherehere,ubwa sana huyu jamaa,afadhali walevi
Had my first drink yesterday since the 13th of February. Decided to give it up and smoking for lent .
I am hoping never to go back to smoking again
I needed my memory back. I used to run to liquor to suppress memories of a bad upbringing. When I matured enough to handle the memories, I needed to bring them back so I could deal with them permanently. Years of being a DDO (daily drinking officer) takes someone behind. 2 years after my last drink, the memories flooded back. I dealt with them well & I’m forever free of them.
Kuacha pombe sio mchezo, kuna jamaa smtimes last year aliwekewa mchele kwa keg huko mashinani akajipata following day kwa hospitali, alikuwa amepasuliwa mayai kwa mkia. He stopped drinking for 3 months but now he is back at it again.
Honestly if such an incident can’t make one stop drinking, what can?
It also depends on the company you keep, if you only meet for a drink, reflect on where you are heading in life because when you need to socialize you will end up drinking.
There is life outside of drugs…and reckless sex.
It was just time to quit. Stopped cold turkey. Never looked back. Slept better, spent more time at the gym, finished projects in record time from the funds that I’d otherwise spend on drinks. It is amazing how much money I used to waste on drinks and with drinking buddies looking back.
Hehehe slow down. Wacha online grudges ziishe