Why darkness is not ending any time soon!

The only way Kenya will ever change and become a better prosperous country in the near future is if a benovelent dictator arises. Elections won’t change anything at all. Someone can take this to the bank and you can hold me accountable for it in the near future so long as God grants us long life. Kenyan culture is bad, it espouses and celebrate the looters and thieves. Truth be said 99% of our leaders are looters who have no any interests of citizens at heart and this is not about to change any time. 2022 we will have elections and i can assure you here, it is either the dynasties thieves or the Ruto thief who will win the election, whether you and I like it or not and whether we vote for them or not. So basically 2022-2032 expect no change in Kenya, the future is already determined for you . Even if lets say the so acclaimed guys like Kivutha or Eukuru Aukot did become president, nothing will change cause Kenya does not only need physical and infrastructural development but also mindset change, that is for the citizens to start electing leaders who are thoughtful and reasonable. This can only be achieved through a benovelent dictator like Kagame. Kagame might not be the perfect president but however, one thing which Kagame has done excellent in Rwanda is not just infrastructure development but instilling cultural and mindset change. For a country such as Rwanda to be ranked the least corrupt, clean, and have well functioning institutions, wide observance and respect for the rule of law and order, don’t think it just happened by a mistake. It happened because there was a forceful leader who had a purpose driven with a vision. And Kagame has been that person for Rwanda. Lets hope and pray heavens remember Kenya in the near future

It’s the only way forward for a Prosperous Kenya.
Look at how the “Young Turks” of yesteryears have messed the positions of power entrusted on them. Much was expected of them but nothing much was realised…
among many…
So sad.

Daniel Toroitich arap Moi, aka Nyayo, squandered an opportunity of Kenya’s life time.

Do you realize that what you are asking for is unconstitutional and you could be arraigned for treason?
Anyway, what Kenya needs is not a benevolent dictator, but rather, a people’s dictatorship (an institution, not a person – something like what Meles Zenawi was trying to create in Ethiopia before his sad demise).
So yes, something along the lines you are thinking, but collegiate – not based on an individual.
FYI: Kagame is not all that the mainstream media monopolies depict him as.

Team benevolent dictator has never explained how the dictator is supposed to “arise”. So everything that comes after is just a fantasy.

From the way I see it, Vumbistan can only get a benevolent dictator in the following ways,

  1. A war- war changes people. Look at Germany, Japan, Rwanda. It changes a people’s mindset to working for the nation rather than for interests
  2. Deceit- We need a really calculative person who deep down knows he is antiestablishment but won’t show it on the surface. Someome that eats with the dirty but abhors the practice to his guts. Someone that can play his moves right as a populist but institute radical shifts when in power. We need a Lee Kuan Yew or a Sultan Quaboos bin Said

@langatkipro who is your choice for benevolent dictator?

I have said well; unless a benovelent dictator arises… Meaning i have no idea who it is or I do have someone in mind


Daktari wa mitishamba

I can see through you like an Xray. We have a disease in our hands and you better get it in your head that this is our agency number 1. Your benevolent dictator in the name of Ruto is not going to be. He has to bow to the power of the people to rise up there. We are not burundi.

I would also want to ask you how people measure candidates for their levels of benevolence and dictatorship. You must remember that its not like we haven’t been ruled by dictators before. right now we have two in power, but they will be short lived.

Do you think it will happen in our lifetime

And what has democracy and voting every election delivered for Kenyans. Are we better now through the voting that has taken place? Poverty is still ravaging us and so is disease and lack of basic necessities

Surely where I have said Ruto is the benovolent dictator there I am looking forward to? I have said clearly that 2022 we are doomed because of both Ruto and dynasties, and that we should not expect change. So how will Ruto be my benovolent dictator again?

matiang’i can be a better benevolent dictator kuliko ruto ! … i would have voted for loot all were it not for his thieveing ways and war lord tendencies …He is a man trying to be a villain and a mjuaji even though he had an easy life . In campus , i hear ruto never struggled for anything , he interacted with the high & mighty and made mullah through questionable means during YK92 and the rest is thieving history…


Are you saying we should do away with the voting system or are you suggesting that we are lacking dictatorship?

Through a koop, perhaps?

I am just showing you why the voting we have been doing has not assisted us at all. In fact it has made things worst and it won’t solve any of our problems at all in the near future

Voting is one thing…Voting for the right candidate is another.

You vote for monkeys and u are surprised when they throw feaces your way.