I never gave much thought as to why God was so insistent on setting aside a day to do nothing.No work. Recently, however I was listening to a Dr.Scott Hahns commentary on the book of Galatians. You see, its not for the rest or even communal worship we need that day. We need it because God knows if we don’t set aside time alone with Him or for personal communion with Him, we’ll never really find the time ala the Mary - Martha dichotomy. We miss it when its a routine,a ritual, legalistic or squandered in mere observation without spending the day in personal prayer ,communion and meditation on the Word of God.

You seventh day adventist?

Kama hii si C&P akili yako itaoverload soon ma’am…

We already have a Sabbath. Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. It’s one of the commandments.


Many Christians don’t even know why they worship on “The Venerable Day of the Sun.” The Jesus they worship certainly did not worship his God on this day.

We already have a Sabbath. Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. It’s one of the commandments.



Many Christians don’t even know why they worship on “The Venerable Day of the Sun.” The Jesus they worship certainly did not worship his God on this day.