I pride myself in being truly Kenyan. I have never discriminated in dry fry activities and am currently in a very stable relationship with someone well outsde my tribe. Add that to the fact that my four other siblings have established significant relationships with persons from other different tribes. Our extended fam is a literal rainbow nation. What I don’t get is how parochially tribal we’ve become as Kenyans. I expect diatribes from guys like @FieldMarshal CouchP who haven’t had the opportunity of REALLY interacting with and appreciating other peoples’ ideas (which I logically excuse) due to their age but for a thirty yr old person to tell me he can’t vote for a candidate because the person is uncircumsised is acute. He/she has no historical baggage and ought to weigh sht on merit., not this triracist dung. Nitusini mniambie niko pekee yangu ndio nichangamke mapema


Tenda wema nenda zako. We are still evolving.

I am also from a very rainbow family… very


a lion is always in the company of lions., may the forcekin be with you though

Me nkama sijielewi…got 2bbymamas

my inlaws call me mungiki behind my back,
too bad for them i could care less


Msichana mkikuyu akileta mwanaume mjaluo kwao aseme she wants to marry him atakuwa outcast on the spot.

Afadhali someone like fiud macho. He says what he’s about so at least I know how I can work with him. It’s the silent ones I hate most. The kind that will like every comment fiud macho ameandika but hawawezi sema kitu. Hawa ndio watakudanganya ni progressive voters but kwa ballot it’s either Cord or Jubilee depending on where they come from.


That happens on either side of the divide but the story you won’t hear is that acceptance also happens on either side. One day there’ll be enough of us half n halfs to realize every tribe we hate is in us

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The saddest thing is that we are teaching our kids to be tribal. What kids are picking from schoolmates is terrible. Eti a kid can’t be a friend with the other coz she is from ‘wezi’ tribe. Sad!

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It’s human nature to form tribes/groups and discriminate. If you put ~40 similar people together for a week, you’ll find them forming tribes/cliques/etc. Even if we end tribalism we’ll find other ways to discriminate against each other. I hope to see the end of tribalism in my lifetime. Maybe there will be a politician who will give us all something to hate together.


Wacheni utoto na ujinga - humans are naturally tribal and territorial like lions and other predators.

AND BY THE WAY, HISTORY HAS SHOWN THE WORST TRIBALISTS AND RACISTS TO BE THOSE WHO BEGIN BY SAYING “Am married to a Black/Kikuyu so logically I can’t be a racist/tribalist…”

As for me being a tribalist, that’s a cheap shot from a deranged mind - as somebody pointed here, it may be kosher to label Kiuks tribalists, BUT IN KIMENDE, LARI, Babuon GOT more votes than Uhuru got in an entire county in Nyanza. Who are the real tribalists?

No, some of us won’t be cowed by being tagged and labelled. We will continue to tell it as it is, sawa?


The tribal issues arise due to politics or leaders… we peasants are always at peace with each other until politics are brought in


my MWK is luo so am I safe???

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If you are Kiuk you definely are not. You see, Kiuks are inherently virulently tribalist; they are thieves who shine their evil eyes on property that they don’t own (why do you think Kenya is o top of the corruption tree?); their women are lose, meno-brown mchele dispensers with maji maji coomers; need I go on.

No, you are not innocent. You were born guilty, you sorry, sorry negro!


Wewe bado ni tribalist hata ujitetee vipi. Utabaki tribalist tu. It’s in your nature.


here is an anecdote:

On Dec 30, 2007, there was a nine-year old boy who was dressed in his sister’s dress so he could escape being butchered as they escaped from their home in olenguruone, molo subcounty…he will be voting for the first time next year.

how many years will it take him to forget the people who united to send them to destitution?


FMCP na gashwin nimekubali wakue tribalists. All old guys are tribalists anyway.
Kitu hunibother ni mtu yuko 20s and 30s akiwa na ukabila.

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Unless the luo guy is loaded

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One thing is for sure weather the tribal bygots shout and preach …t.next years election will be very different why? …the voter turn out will be the lowest juu people just got tired of voting na bado counting inaleta shida…
I can bet my left nut that majority of you are in major towns and going all the way to your shags just to register aint part of your current plans…

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