Why Are Some Important Books Omited From The Bible?

Abraham never wrote anything that we read as scripture. If he did, I dont know. But we know that what is written about Nimrod and Anunaki by Moses had already been written, and in greater detail, by the servants of Elohim (The Gods), who made man in their image. Genesis (Beresheit) is not the first account of the story of creation. It is based on earlier recounts written long before Moses was born.

:D:Dso hujasoma the book of Abraham…its their go and read it and find the reason why like the book of enoch it was removed.

These things you claim such as “five levels of existence” are they your opinions, facts or speculation?

The book of Abraham was not written by Abraham because at the time of Abraham, written Hebrew did not exist. Hebrew text/lexicography emerged in 1000BC. The Torah was probably written in hieroglyphics.

They are not my opinions
They are not my speculations
They are facts depending in where you are standing. I will however not encourage or discourage you from continuing to stand right where you are.

It was written by Abraham himself while he was in Egypt…aliandika kwa pappyrus reeds…back then hatukua bonobos

Read that has both Book of moses and Abraham.

We will never know. I want to c an alien ship first

I think there are many disputes challenging that position

You realize the definition of a fact is a claim that can be verified or proven? So how do we verify these 5 levels of existence actually exist?

How many meters or micrometers is consciousnes, my friend, since you are pretending to be a tough sceintist? There is a sensation one gets when they are about to pee. Only you knows how yours feels. You cannot prove it to anyone. But it is a fact. If you are spoiling for prove of the measure of perception of consciousness between one being and the next, you will be very long in waiting. We measure the signal (action potential) in a nerve in milli volts. Pain on the other hand is a fact on another level

You can also feel lucky, gamble and lose money. Feel confident, sit for an exam and fail it. So how sure are you the 5 planes of existence you claim to feel their existence really do exist?

Some of the books not part of Bible, but mentioned in the bible:
[li]The book of Enock; Jude 1:14 “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints.” The book gives an account of the fallen angels and how they taught humans magic, weapon making, dark secrets of heaven, and how they produced giant offsprings with daughters of the earth who defiled(anal sex) humans, animals. [/li][li]The book of Jasher: 2Sam 1:18 “(Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow: behold, it is written in the book of Jasher.).” This book explains what happened after creation, how Noah’s Ark survived the flood without humans breaking into the ark, reason why Abraham sacrificed his son…e.t.c[/li][li]The book of Acts of Solomon: 1Kgs 11:41 “And the rest of the acts of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, are they not written in the book of the acts of Solomon?” This is a very interesting book. As per this book, Solomon had immense power from God that he could summon the evil spirits and converse with them. Some of the conversations recorded in this book are; the foretell spirit( a spirit that would tell the future as per the information from the heavens), the blind spirit (attacks children when they are born. This book is a summary of the Voodoo practiced in this world. [/li][/ol]
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My prayer: May he who seeks to venture into spiritism find grace to escape grevious harm that may befall him. Amen.