The public reaction to Mamito’s song to Jowie co firms to me that most Kenyans are criminals at heart. It’s no wonder they always vote for criminals. Jowie killed a woman, a woman who thought Jowie loved her not knowing Jowie loved her money much more than he cared about her. Jowie is a criminal and should rot in jail and wherever. In fact, I wish he could get capital punishment. Now, Kenyans are telling Mamito that she doesn’t know how her kids will turn out. Ladies and gentlemen, if my child is a thief or a killer, let him or her be killed or jailed forever. I am not a thief and I will not condone theft and killing of other people just because the perpetrator is my offspring. Let Jowie rot in prison forever. If you have birthed and raised a thief or killer, let that criminal be jailed or done away with. Don’t project your criminal genes onto someone else.
Wee mama musee, kesi imeisha. Huyo boy saa hii anapewa tarimbo pale korokoroni.
Na juu ni Sato nite, pia wewe toa ngotha upige luku na ka minidress utembee nje, labda utaangukia kafukuswi akuwahi lwambo
useless barren woman
Maraya muzee nyamasa!
Your remarks proves that you are a extreme post wall granny with wrinkled tits without children
Are you serious. Do you know how many men she was calling to that house that night to keep her company.
Maternal instinct would never allow a mother accept her kid to be hanged regardless of the crime he or she may have committed. That is why a mother is the only person who will stand by you in all circumstances.
She loved him that’s why she told him that she was money laundering. A single woman can have alot of male friends or even bfs. It’s her choice. Even your wives have many boyfriends than this lady, it’s life.
Boyfriends and male friends may be two different things. She texted a man that night to come help her sleep. That is not a male friend. Do peoples wives have friends…… yes. In life you meet people at work or church. Etc. Those are just friends. Her family knew she was laundering. There’s even a talker who knew, day her murder was reported. I come from a trip I’m usually tired. You had to wake up early that morning, trip to airport. Flight. Then have a open bar that evening at my house with men only?
You know how these young people are. They are very energetic. She was a single woman. She was visited by neighbours and friends. I don’t know how many men she was sleeping with so are you saying that she was a sex worker? Kwani in Kenya every one is a sex worker ama? Or is it a new trend that has come out?
Yes. And it’s not even a secret. A lot of stuff that was being done kichini chini is being magnified by social media. If you ever see a woman living large on social media, with no clear career, she just has one trade.
She is a mother to a teenager
Things are hard in Kenya my dear. What I knew was that she was involved with an army big wig in Sudan. I guess it was sex work too. Can you imagine dating a Sudanese man? That woman was living a hard life. Very hard. Maybe that was why she felt Jowie is offering her solace.
Ai the other day ulikuwa unamtetea.
Nani sasa? Monica Kuria? Lakini when did the rain start hitting us now that sex work is so common ata watu huwezi expect like pastor’s daughters.
Ulikuwa una sympathize na Jowie as if he’s not a cold blooded killer
Can you not have sympathy kwani are you the one who is perfect? I sympathise with both sides bcz they were both on the wrong path and it destroyed their lives. I especially feel bad for their families.
I have no sympathy over a killer moreso a person I’ve never seen and who isn’t aware of my existence. Unahurumia aje muuaji surely
Hard life where. She’s was living a good life. Find her social media and see for yourself. And it’s sex she was enjoying while in Sudan where she didn’t have to put men in a assembly line of sex for money. She had more than Jowie to solace her to sleep, going by her sms.
Namuhurumia juu I know that poverty is the enemy. I know that few bad choices driven by greed can ruin your life. I don’t have to know you personally to sympathise with you. Both Monica and Jowie were kids who thought they could live all crazy and get away with it after all it’s the life most big people in our society do. Instead of judging them I am choosing to empathise with them.