why am never texting any woman on earth again!!!!!

[ATTACH=full]298479[/ATTACH]Nothing gives women power like texting, she can reject you at a distance without any fear of you reacting violently, It’s really hard to appear alpha through texts alone, the sea of orbiters texting her make it even worse, and rejection takes even longer you will end up being the loser who entertains them through sex but fucks zero of them. You don’t believe me go to your contacts, apart from your female family members how many women are you texting? And how many women have you fucked or are fucking? Take a ratio of the respective values if it’s above 3 you are an orbiter.

The only women I will be texting will be the ones am fucking, I’d rather call than text.

Let it be noted here texting any woman you are not intimate with is beta.
So for the playahs I will advise you not to text after number closing just call.


  1. Calling takes less time than texting does.
    I can break 3 hours of texts with a 10 minutes call
  2. You have all her attention.
    She is probably texting other 15 guys at the same time she’s texting you but think about this when calling she’s
    only talking to you all her attention is on you for a guy like me that’s lot’s of power and with the right environment
    I can literally turn her on, try turning her on while shes sifting through other 10+ texts.
  3. She can hear your voice.
    We all know the power of soft female voice, that’s why receptionists are usually female, now you would be a fool to think that the deep male voice doesn’t have an impact on females, call her and turn her on with your voice, bottom line texts are just flat and boring
  4. Rejects come faster.
    If a woman rejects you through texts it will be really confusing to know, the blue ticks means she’s not interested, the delayed texts also show a sign of dis-interest, what about the reply with emoji’s??? the one-word replies??? with a call it’s simple she won’t take my call if she wants nothing to do with me good find the next girl.
  5. Separated yourself from other betas.
    Not many betas have the balls to call a girl and keep the conversation going if you can do this you are GOLD! Again with calling since you can’t do it on a daily basis, you will appear busy and not clingy.
  6. Texting makes you a clown.
    I know hundreds of guys who texts girls they are not intimate with on a daily basis with the hopes that one day she will return affection(read beta) you are just a clown entertaining her while guys like me who don’t give a shit about her happiness are doing train wrecks on her cat.TIP: she never fucks the clown

If you can upgrade to video calls( I suggest late in the night or early in the morning) you will be fucking her faster than it will take the guy texting her to type “uko free lini?”, Visual and audio seduction will always be better than reading/writing type of seduction.


Message ya 2012?

Text only for logistics. Setting up dates or telling her to come over/you’ll come over. Anything else is white noise. Remember you’re just one of many male speech bubbles in her inbox. That makes you an orbiter by association.

Mimi sitambui texts, sina hiyo time. Na if I engage you on text then you start silly games like replying 30 minutes later, nafunga hiyo chapter, ni wewe utakuwa unanitafuta from then going forward. Apo ndio huwa unamaliza 2 months unashtukia ghaseer imekutext “ghai, yaani uliamua kunyamaza?”. Tucker tucker.

@forestmonkey nyonga tu monkey vile umezoea. Niwewe ulichekelewa hivyo?? Pole. Mambo ya 2012 na bado inakuuma?

Texting tumeachia college girls

These are my reasons

[SIZE=5]I hate texting …but when young it was really fun [/SIZE]

Na kama tunawakatia, how do we communicate with them?

You do all that in person, distance builds attraction and also familiarity breeds contempt.

My kid bro is saying you pick up the phone and twanga simu…huwa ananichekesha:D. Why not text? so that the other person can go away and think about it? sinyiti hata na jua moto sana pale nje.

Sijashika. Is your small bro (prob under 25) advocating for texting or calling?



I beg to differ… its all about human psychology … i prefer a mix of both , but depends on where your engagement with the lady is…
If you have already dry fried her…then even a smoke signal is okay…

Otherwise if you are planning to get her… the key thing is to understand her feeling towards you and quickly make a move or delete the number…
Hutaki kuwekwa suspension for 3 months waiting…

Both methods have different goals… for texting - it gives someone time to think and give a reply… for calling you ambush someone and force her to make a decision…

If you are trying to organize a meeting like next week , you can send a text, she will reply after some thought and give a reply that shows she is interested or not…
Shida ya calling she may say YES coz she does not want to be rude, unajipanga waiting for a date then a day to the date she send an apology text…

But if you want to meet her same day, calling is better, she will have to say “yes or no”, coz here you want an answer immediately, wasting an hour of your day not knowing how your diary will be is not honor…

I torture fine ghels by ignoring them or their calls or even replying text after 72hrs…na bado natomba kutomba …yep that’s the secret wadau

Bro you sound like you are coming to the end of the red pill rage phase… take it easy, and keep emotions at bay, this is how it normally is, just discover your purpose and have your principles that you will not violate for no woman and you will find you cant get dicked around… And when your nice its because you want to be, but you would rather waste money than time… when a woman sees this, they will leave because of no free validation or stay and value your time much more than before.

-At first text only to plan for you two to meet.
-After you have f***.Send open closed text(mrnig, have yourself a god day)(keep safe,g nyt) twice a week
-Graduate to only communicating when you want to meet up.
-If she txt first reply,but keep it to less than 5 texts…

Mambo mingi mtaongea mkionana

Texting a girl all the time is for beta orbiters na inamalizanga attraction kama ghaseer.