April 18, 2018, 8:12am
As a staunch and ardent supporter of Brayo’s tits, I want to know why that post was removed.
There’s pics violating female privacy daily and the one time we see a man’s tits, you shelter the fvcker.
We hereby demand the reinstatement of @Sterphyle and the thread with Brayo’s magnificent tiddies!
April 18, 2018, 8:15am
@introvert , Njoo haraka na usitumane
Your latest catch has run out of wanking materials, you either deal with her urges or i will give her instructions on how to download the entire xvideos stash and you will be as good as done
April 18, 2018, 8:18am
Amun-Ra? did you see those tits?
April 18, 2018, 8:23am
why would i want to look at Man boobs when i have an inbox full of some real knockers from you?
April 18, 2018, 8:31am
April 18, 2018, 8:36am
those were quality tits though
i miss them
Does that mean he’s shaking his dick hard?
:D:D leo kuna mambo kijijini
April 18, 2018, 9:44am
As a staunch and ardent supporter of Brayo’s tits, I want to know why that post was removed.
There’s pics violating female privacy daily and the one time we see a man’s tits, you shelter the fvcker.
We hereby demand the reinstatement of @Sterphyle and the thread with Brayo’s magnificent tiddies!
Mzito @Sterphyle was banned. @Purple ebu unban him
Surely this banning is a bit draconian. The aggrieved party posted his whole home page and then dared talkers to expose him!
April 18, 2018, 10:06am
@introvert , Njoo haraka na usitumane
Your latest catch has run out of wanking materials, you either deal with her urges or i will give her instructions on how to download the entire xvideos stash and you will be as good as done
Wachana na hii ng’ombe.
Lakini fungua pay bill tuchangie Brayo anunue nursing bra.
As a staunch and ardent supporter of Brayo’s tits, I want to know why that post was removed.
There’s pics violating female privacy daily and the one time we see a man’s tits, you shelter the fvcker.
We hereby demand the reinstatement of @Sterphyle and the thread with Brayo’s magnificent tiddies!
Niko nyuma ya Nyasuguta… @admin deorro ni kipii
April 18, 2018, 10:31am
The rules are very clear and we keep reminding members that doxing is illegal on ktalk, nothing draconian
Rudisha Ktalk CSI agent… Don’t quote me again…move on swiftest
Wekelea gunia ya @uwesmake akifira @Deorro … Mekanika utanyonya Kibao vodka from Belarus
April 18, 2018, 11:44am
@Deorro very fast to merge my posts but such a post in religion section huna shughuli. Wewe!