The room is simple. Bed, toilet, shower, door. Designed to accomodate a moaning peasant’s daughter and a grunting old man. Facilitation of the quick evacuation of bodily fluids. Nothing else. The lanye is snoring besides me. She’s naked. On the floor is a used condom. I can’t recall how I ended up here.
I decide not to wake her. I quickly dress and sneak out the door. I head back to the club. I check the time. It’s 7.00. I order a beer and an uber. The cab arrives before I’m even done sipping the drink. The driver’s name is Japheth. As I’m fidgeting with the car door, I hear a sound behind me, “Ghasia! Wapi pesa yangu? Na wapi simu yangu?”
She grabs a rock and hurls it at my head. She misses by mere inches. “Twende! Twende!” i tell the driver. A crowd is starting to form. “Choma yeye!” another whore shouts. The driver steps on the pedal and we shoot out of the place. Bye-Bye Kahawa Sukari.
I didn’t pay the whore. I took her phone and her hoodie. The phone was in the pocket, i later realized. And since I’m a student at K.U, i gotta figure out a way to navigate around the place without encountering the loony bitch.
…Ghaseer how is she going to survive now that you left with her…phone book? Umemalisa yeye. Wacha kujitafutia laana. Mwanamke amejitolea mhanga and decided to sell her merchandize to make sure betas like you empty their balls. Sasa juu yako leo kuna mtu anagurumisha bajaj juu service provider hajaweza kufanya mawasiliano. Takataka
Kila job iko na risk. I didn’t force her to sell her merchandize. Mimi hufanya pia kazi ya mjengo part-time. I also sell my merchandise. Namely, muscles. Bitch likes her profession. It’s simple. Needs no specialty. No one forces her to work there.
I’m a computer science student. Well aware that some of my clients will be ghaseers. Takataka. Free-loaders who wouldn’t want to pay
I still got her phone. I wanted the hoodie because of the cold. I’ve no use for the phone. Is there a way naweza rudisha simu? Pia hoodie. I dont want to be looking over my shoulders for the rest of my life. Coomer siwezi lipia.
I only realized phone iko kwa hoodie later on. Nikiwa kwa uber.
I live joyously. Perhaps even dangerously. And I believe fear is a manifestation of cowardise. Fear is a theoretical risk. This is the only life you get. When you’re on your deathbed, you won’t be worried about some lanye’s hoodie. You’ll only regret the good times you didn’t have.
I take chances. I make experiments. I want to make life a dangerous experiment while it lasts. A stimulating & dangerous experiment.
Sitaki story za malaya tena. That was the the only time. Now I gotta figure out a way to return the stupid phone & the hoodie. I can’t avoid the area bcoz I stay at K.M.