They are the only people who support BBI
bbi ni :meffi:
Mzee kavirondo will save them.
save them from their pain and lead the to death
Its a two pronged attack. The first one ( BBI) was calculated to possibly miss. So what remained was only a campaign. You know campaigning is finding a way to stay in the news. Exactly what BBI has done.
Raila is much smarter than you think.
He who pays the Piper calls the tune…
Who commissioned this poll?
And how many responded. Maybe just 15.
The game of thrones… Power is never given its taken and no one has yet to arise and wrestle it from him
And the 15 may have pre-selected…
To stay in the News as a looser?
You give politicians too much credit.
The plot was to sideline RUTO by bringing together RAOs and UHURUs following against WSR.
It was a brilliant plan and they would have knocked out RUTO.
The stars aligned for WSR, though.
It’s okay to admit such things.
No politician is a god!
It was a good plan, but it backfired
It wasnt a good plan. Uhuru was probably against it. His term was running out. Convincing people to extend his term ( in another position) was a herculian task. Dont forget the difficulty involved in passing prior constitutions. And the sad thing is that it may pass.
Staying in the news, even as loser means staying relevant. Official political prostitution starts next year when the stove heats up. Then you will know how good the stars are aligned.
Even their bossom buddies luhyas wameruka hii mambo
Wewe ni typical brainwashed mganga supporter. Always thinking the communist trained welder has a plan and will pull a spectacular magic out of his ass at the last minute, dazzle everyone and find himself occupying the house on the hill.
Sawa. I am saving this response. I will refer to it in a few weeks. And never say never:
Keep the masses poor (particularly from your own tribe). Let them lick your feet for handouts. Poor people are easy to control and dominate. Whenever you fall out with other bigwigs, you can always retreat to your tribal cocoon, claim that “your people” are being discriminated, and make the broke peasants fight your personal battles on the ground.
This strategy has worked wonders for Ruto, Raila, and Uhuru.
Baruhya moja inaitwa @Simiyu22 bado inafuata Baba
I am a total man. A man is a man.
The main aim for any referendum before an election year is to divide the votes.
You are dog’s anus.
bullshit fake polls , who does not know TIFA is owned by Ruto the Sugoi thief. BBI inapita asubuhi na mapema. elections will be postponed to accommodate the BBI. which MP will refuse more salary and time to loot the CDF.