Habari wadau. This is not a poll but a candid analysis. Who in your opinion could be the wealthiest talker here? According to me, it’s either one of the following:
- Chifu mbikita
- Abba
- Purple
- Nyamgontho
- Dr Mungai
- Electronics for you
Habari wadau. This is not a poll but a candid analysis. Who in your opinion could be the wealthiest talker here? According to me, it’s either one of the following:
Wapi jamaa wa monaco
Huyo ni fake Hana kakitu
My bloodline is wealthier
Wapi anus peddler @Patricia
How much is your worth as an individual?
@Panyaste★ is swimming in loot ameachiwa na tunyanya hua anaosha pale Fartgas, Bavaria
Patco? I don’t think he is worth a lot
A few days ago he said that he was deported and is now surviving in Kibera slums?!
Chief doesn’t even cut it to the Top 50. Either way @Oti The Gargantuan takes the mantle when it comes to the poorest
But I thought chifu is a real birrionea? That guy must be a tycoon. Huyo Oti kwani ni maskini aje?
Chief is the most idle talker. He fantasizes about imaginary wealth. Oti anachungia wamaasai mbuzi akilipwa 3k salo. But he’s smart guy for his age.
Malyaa ya mungu anajiitaga nani hapa kijijini? Najua yuko hapa. Anatetemeshaga watu pale telekiramu na magari,nyumba na pesa na belt na fyatu fyake fya bei mingi:D:D:D
But Mbitika says he has lots of properties all over Kenya.
The guy with a telegram channel?
Yep. He says. I say I also have a private jet. Chifu is a civil servant on a payroll of 80k a month.
No ako kwa MeriaMNN chat wakikorofishana na heavyweight ingine. Its actually comical wakicompare who banks more.
[SIZE=1]Idi admin ameweka censor kwa hio tag ya telekiramu [/SIZE]:D:D
Wewe wacha madharau. I am not poor like you
Pole baba
Heshimu tycoons tafasali