Who is the queen of heaven?

Catholics refer to Mary, the mother Jesus, as the Queen of Heaven. But who is this ‘queen of heaven?’

There is no queen of heaven. There has never been a queen of heaven. There is most certainly a King of Heaven, the Lord of hosts. He alone rules in heaven. He does not share His rule or His throne or His authority with anyone. The idea that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the queen of heaven has no scriptural basis whatsoever!

This is just one of many ways in which the Roman Catholic Church is a false cult which practices witchcraft in the name of Christianity.

The term “Queen of Heaven” is found in Jeremiah 7:18 where God is warning the Hebrews against worshipping this false god named Ashoreth, the wife of Baal. The fact that the Catholic Church continually references Mary to a demonic goddess is all the evidence you need to know that it is an idolatrous religion. Flee from it!