Ever sat alone , felt yah heart beat n tried to count ? Then suddenly thought wat if my heart stops , wat next ?
I believe everyone of us has had that thought , there are even times u look up in the sky n wonder is there an end ? U try to Google what’s up there and you are told we are just a pic of dust in a universe with no end … You are amazed , really !!!
You then try to look if there is life outside our planet but none has proven there is …
So I just sit n think , what if the universe is just a living creature and we are a decimal of it’s organ ? Waaaah too much thinking… Let me switch to a book no one really knows the authors or where it came from . The Bible n Koran … But since m not a Muslim I take the Bible , I flip pages unaware what to read … It’s those books we read when we are on the verge of desperation and have lost hope in life… It’s a book with so many stories yet magical in some sought of way like burning bushes, Samson and the Lions, Moses n pharaoh’s turning sticks to snakes , Noah’s ark among others … But today I choose to get scared n read the book of revelation , it’s not for the faint hearted it’s for those who have an interesting imagination , it talks of dragons n beast and all I see are the Chinese with their dragons …my mind is taken aback to jetli movies and bruceli movies , the fire breathing dragons n drum beats …hehehehe hebu niishie …
Don’t take this so serious don’t even know what am saying…nituombe hili janga la Corona liondoke , as I said the Bible will always be the last option …