Who Created God and Existence of God Islamic Version

According to Islam, God is formless, beginning-less, end-less, creator of ‘things’.
So the question who created God is invalid, since the things of cosmos are created by him and he doesn’t qualify as ‘things’ in the sense that we comprehend ‘things’ of this physical realm.
The creation itself is commenced by Allah, and created-ness is the attribute of creation thus Allah can’t be created and it is illogical to ask ‘who created God’

With regards to God existence, everything around you is a proof of God existence. Your eyes,your mouth, your brain, your DNA, the fingerprint.
A clever person once posed a question to an illiterate Bedouin “How do you know that Allah exists?” The Bedouin pointed his finger towards a camels dung on the sand and asked that man “What is that?” The man replied “a camels dung” The Bedouin then replied “if that dung is a proof of camels existence then this entire universe is a proof that a Allah (swt) exists.”




Some atheist will spill unreasonable crap in 1 2 3…

Prove this part before we read the rest of the bs

I never quite wrap my mind around how an atheist fails to see God in everything.

Why cant theists give a simple proof of god’s existence if it’s as obvious as you claim

before moving forward I would like you to tell me what ideas you have on how all came to existence.

If he is unable to provide you with any theory will you assume that to be evidence of existence of God?

So everything is just poof and there be it?

I don’t see how this is relevant to how you will prove god’s existence but I will answer you anyway. I don’t know how everything came to existence.