Who Can Give Spear The Best Perfect Answer Here?....

Dear Citizen TV,


[I]Today DP Ruto had Three Functions. You chose to cover his meeting with the EU the Makueni Economic Forum
and the Machakos rallies within 1 Minute and 52 Seconds.
Tinga who had a single function gets 4 Minutes and 10 Seconds.
[=AZVW0XIfS91nFSaAppeDsIM55n6WZVxeLzNlUSaDipoBGPeKmSW2EU-H4bNT2KNZtG-hqsxbqQ6Dqgv1OYYDEnHrGQQCzpArRA9kASaoz_1DfG2u2VeugGQQFiQLb1oAM3vzerszjsWOWND7uZIgOqFChfb_IK1EbHlmLf7CbEewmQ&tn=*NK-R’]#HustlerNation](‘https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/hustlernation?__eep__=6&__cft__0) in fairness kindly donates the 1 minute 52 seconds to Raila Odinga’s 4 minute 10 seconds.
No need to pretend to be fair. You are Deeply biased, tumekubali, we have decided to help you hit excellence on the bias.
Hatuna Problem.
The Hustler Nation Spokesman Desk.[/I]

[B][B]~~[=AZVW0XIfS91nFSaAppeDsIM55n6WZVxeLzNlUSaDipoBGPeKmSW2EU-H4bNT2KNZtG-hqsxbqQ6Dqgv1OYYDEnHrGQQCzpArRA9kASaoz_1DfG2u2VeugGQQFiQLb1oAM3vzerszjsWOWND7uZIgOqFChfb_IK1EbHlmLf7CbEewmQ&tn=-]C%2CP-R’]Dennis Itumbi]('https://www.facebook.com/dennisitumbi?__cft__[0)[/B] is with [=AZVW0XIfS91nFSaAppeDsIM55n6WZVxeLzNlUSaDipoBGPeKmSW2EU-H4bNT2KNZtG-hqsxbqQ6Dqgv1OYYDEnHrGQQCzpArRA9kASaoz_1DfG2u2VeugGQQFiQLb1oAM3vzerszjsWOWND7uZIgOqFChfb_IK1EbHlmLf7CbEewmQ&tn=-]C%2CP-R’]Charles Waigwa Ndamboh]('https://www.facebook.com/charlesndamboh?__cft__[0)[/B] and 2 others

They can start hustler tv with some of the loot they have been stealing, then they can cover himself, Rigathi, Waiguru, Sudi, Echesa, mutha Kuria, and the rest of the thieves until Kingdom come. Citizen owes them nothing.

Not forgetting kidero, sonko, obado, wanugu, rasta, etc



“For him who has nothing, even the little he has shall be taken away from him”

royal media services is a private business

Beggars can’t be choosers.

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Raila kîhîî will never be president

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No way JSKSLMM will win this. But @spear needs bread and butter till 10th August. Do not be too hard on that poor soul


They should complain about KBC coverage.