[SIZE=5]Haya, one last one Wakandan @LuandaMagere . Sitakuumiza moyo tena plus a few random photos. Cc @Ndindu [/SIZE]








SLAVE CHILDREN, c1863. Rosina Downs, Rebecca Huger, and Augusta Broujey, slaves freed in New Orleans, Louisiana. Photograph, c1863.

Random photos :






Is this the original Uncle Tom ?


I must admit petco unawekanga bidii ukiresearch hizi propaganda zako. I respect that.

Old monk ukiwasha washwa huwa unashika hasira haraka sana. How comes? :D:D

Sasa tena uanze uchokozi.

But there is something I am after… have you verified any of this info above?

@LuandaMagere can you kindly connect the dots here :



Seems like whites fucking black slaves was a favourite past time activity.

Nope. Umenoa.

they’re not white, they are Octoon. A person who is 25% black. in America, a drop o black makes you black. You are either 100% white or you are black



Who gives a fuck. Whites decimated blacks. I eish one day we also enslave whites. Bure kabisa

Children are not racist. They are taught racism by foolish adults.

Closer home, children are not tribalistic. They are taught tribalism by foolish adults.

Being proud of your race is different from being racist. Being proud of your tribe is different from being tribalistic.

Yaani niggers walikuwa wanavaa nguo, makoti, rinda, shoes etc when sisi huku their peers, our great great great granddads and moms were strutting about in loin cloths?

Basically hizo picha mnaona za white slaves huko juu with the exception of the random photos zote ni propaganda. Ni fake.

You see before the civil war that supposedly “abolished” slavery the wazungu in the North were not interested or keen in fighting those in the South. So to motivate them, Abe Lincoln’s General created a propaganda studio and took hundreds of photos including “white slaves” ndio watu wapate moto ya vita.

One General by the name of Harper and you can see his name prominently on some of the photos above and also below, coordinated the studio and the photos were hung in congress for maximum effect, to emphasise that the South must be destroyed.

These FAKE photos are still in the library of Congress to this very day!!!

They are marketed as FACTS!!

In short all those folks you see above and here below are actors. Read more here although this author still insists ati the actors were real slaves :

The Young White Faces of Slavery - The New York Times

For instance this boy below appeared in numerous photos posing with other actors and pretending to be suffering or overjoyed. In other photos he pretends to be injured.

In one photo he is in tatters to represent his slave clothes :


Of course his name is very fake, and is given as Contraband Jackson.

The reason is they didn’t want people to go looking for him and ask questions about whether he was indeed a slave or not.

In another photo taken the same day. They would dress him up as a drummer boy to imply that his life has changed ever since he was rescued by the Union army :


And these are photos that appeared in major newspapers of that time.

For instance this actor would appear as a slave who is on sale :



In another photo the same actor has been rescued together with white slaves . NOTICE THE BRANDING ON HIS FACE IS NOT VISIBLE :


His name is given as Wilson Chinn and he appeared in numerous posters and newspapers. In another photo he is facing the opposite direction :



In this photo they have added the branding on his face using a special biro. Branding ni kuchomelewa initials kwa sura like a cow. On this photo below they added the initials with a special biro:


The “white slaves” even appeared on post cards :



The boy in the big hat below …


After changing costume to look like a soldier :


So in short @LuandaMagere nikikuambia that this thing called slavery was a lie created to start a war, naweza kuwa nasema urongo?

I’m telling you mambo ilikuwa. The civil war was fought based on a lie.

Na sio ati fake news imeanza leo. Fake news was always there. War on Iraq. Sadam has nokula weapons. Trump is Russian, Russia gate. The virus jumped from bats to humans. Mail in ballots at 3 a.m.

Cc @kipuke @Kahuni Maisha

@patco , just look at those kid’s facial structure alafu ukumbuke about the one drop rule… prince harry’s kid is technically a negroe juu ya hio kitu…im sure you know this…

also , they could be the poor white slaves or just meer propaganda… remember , it’s the victors who get to right everybody’s history… labda hao negroes were forced to pose with those kids juu ya propaganda…but i lean more to mixed kids (design ya mariah carey)

Isn’t it funny that the current Blackies hadi akina Drake walikuwa wanakaa machokosh back in the days. How did the blacks improve their genes to look better today?

When a population is wealthier they can afford to care about their looks.
Plus we mostly see the ones in media. People in media are more attractive than the average population.
These 2 factors combined = “Better Looks” in a way. Not much in their genes has changed between then and now.

Kwani wewe ni mwendawazimu?

Nakuambia vile ilikuwa na wewe unaniambia vile iko???!

I have even told you the name of the General who took those photos General George H. Hanks which is visible on all those photos na bado unabishana?

Huoni zimeandikwa Geo. H. Hanks ?

George H. Hanks

He took the photos and he said why he took them. Enyewe… ama wacha tu.

Hata hii ya whipped Peter ni General Hanks alichukuwa and it was all part of war propaganda.

Whipped Peter appeared in various poses. And most probably hii ni makeup amepakwa to arouse great sympathy before and during the war.



[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Boss these mzungus are not the children of the black couple. These are all actors sourced by the Union Army for propaganda purposes. They went on tour to convince Northern Wazungus to agree to fight Southern wazungu :

The National Freedman’s Association, the American Missionary Association, and Union officers launched a publicity campaign to raise money by selling carte de visite (CDV) photographs of eight former slaves, five children and three adults. The former slaves were accompanied on a tour of Philadelphia and New York by Colonel George H. Hanks. A woodcut, based on a photograph of the former slaves, appeared in Harper’s Weekly in January 1864 with the caption “EMANCIPATED SLAVES, WHITE AND COLORED.”[19][9] Four of the children were predominantly white in appearance, although born into slavery.

The former slaves traveled from New Orleans to the North. Of these, four children appeared to be white or octoroon. According to the Harper’s Weekly article, they were, “‘perfectly white;’ ‘very fair;’ ‘of unmixed white race.’ Their light complexions contrasted sharply with those of the three adults, Wilson, Mary, and Robert; and that of the fifth child, Isaac—‘a black boy of eight years; but nonetheless [more] intelligent than his whiter companions.’”[19][20]

The group was accompanied by Colonel Hanks from the 18th Infantry Regiment. They posed for photos in New York City and in Philadelphia. The resulting images were produced in the carte de visite format and were sold for twenty-five cents each, with the profits of the sale being directed to Major General Nathaniel P. Banks back in Louisiana to support education of freedmen. Each of the photos noted that sale proceeds would be “devoted to the education of colored people”.[19][20]

Of the many prints that were commissioned, at least twenty-two remain in existence today. Most of these were produced by Charles Paxson and Myron Kimball, who took the group photo that later appeared as a woodcut in Harper’s Weekly. A portrait of Rebecca was taken by James E. McClees of Philadelphia.[19]

This guy can’t be black.I refuse to believe someone can be this deep in the sunken place.
Aren’t you the same guy who was defending the ku klux klan?

Yes I was , what of it?

You see I argue with facts.

White Slave Propaganda is now fact even in leftist circles but as is typcal of liberals they tell the truth… but not the whole truth as shown below.

Cc @LuandaMagere

White slave propaganda - Wikipedia

[SIZE=7]White slave propaganda[/SIZE]

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White slave propaganda is the term given to publicity, especially photograph and woodcuts, and also novels, articles, and popular lectures, about mixed-race slaves who appeared white. Their examples were used during and prior to the American Civil War to further the abolitionist cause and to raise money for the education of former slaves. The images included children with predominantly European features photographed alongside dark-skinned adult slaves with typically African features. It was intended to shock the viewing audiences with a reminder that slaves shared their humanity, and evidence that slaves did not belong in the category of the “Other”.

A woodcut (based on a photograph) that was published in Harper’s Weekly on 30 January 1864 with the caption, “Emancipated Slaves, White and Colored.”