Comedian Eric Omondi whines about Eddie Butita absconding his calls says doesn’t have to go through Butita’s management to secure his professional services for his upcoming ‘Wife Material Africa’ program.
Eddie Butita
Butita had asked Omondi to pay Ksh 3.5million upfront before he avails himself as part of the team that will steer Omondi’s show.
Eric Omondi
Eric: “This is the problem with our Industry @eddiebutita is not only a very good friend of mine but I consider him my bro. But sasa akianza kusema ati I talk to his team na achukui simu zangu. Why would you send me to your manager and yet we can talk and do business…Sisi hatuna shida ya Pesa we are only calling upon you to offer your Professional services ama juu ya Netflix sasa umeingiwa na Kiburi”
“The show begins next week Tuesday and we need you. You’ve asked for USD 35,000 which is roughly 3.5 million and we are willing to pay even more.”
I would pay 1000 kes to never hear about Eric Omondi ever in this lifetime, I fucking hate cheap attention seekers with a passion, I know he is trying to gain some fame or some money but the fucker has zero dignity and always desperately trying to trend and make headlines. The idiot should be shot fucking dead
My family has that kipash gene… from my pops side… so i can see them fractals from a faaar. Mine is also loading from the crown area…but i maintan a clean shave so its not noticable unless i let my hair grow out.