Okuyu shiets, when will they learn?
Tea collection is a female only affair in most places. Wababa wako other places discussing matters of national import.
Úria thoguo.
@Poison tea picking and delivering to vollection facility is women business…
Ni kama vile mamako hufirwa mkundu na fisherman babake @Oti The Gargantuan ndio apewe omena ya kuHawk hapo kondele slums
Where did you get the information that hao ni wakikuyu? Your hatred for the Kyuks is morbidly astonishing.
Díí Wa Nyúba ya Muumbi Shifoo.
Kumbe wî mundu wa nyumba gathee?
Women are the men in kikuyu land . watu kama @kyuktothecore na @Azor Ahai kazi yao ni ku look after the children
Kabisa Shiffooo. Mu-Njiru
Hehehe. Yaani wao ni house-husbands?
The men went their own way…:D:D
Shifo kama komshna do something hawa watu wenu wengi wao wako mgtow…they are very irresponsible. By the way I’ve observed that most of my friends (okuyus) were brought up by single mothers.
Ndî muithiegeni
Then you are a very stupid Kyuk…mūndū mūkìgu biu
Tea picking and delivery to centers is a women’s affair in Cendro…kazi ya wazee ni kuendea bonus, kuattend AGM na elections:D:D