Which takes the hats off

VIP classic or SJ?


for me,sabina joy,its cleaner and the whores a make a difference!

Damages zinachezea ngapi zote?

Usicon malaya

Nauliza damage mdau

SJ ni internationally recognised brothel. People who left Kenya years ago still ask about that joint

Ni time gani sj mecho inaeza ng’ara fiti

Just buy a beer and chill near one of the corners. Hakuna haraka, you’ll have over 20 girls to chose from. Don’t let them pressure you.

Damages ni ngapi shot

Yeah. Let them be the ones to look for you there’s more room for better negotiation on your terms

SJ huanga open hadi saa ngapi? Nataka nifike huko kesho nioshe mecho sawa sawa.

Okoka kijana. Omba Mungu upate uvumilivu na uachane na malaya. Blindness ni mwosho mmoja tu away

Am I the only one hajatomba SJ?

No,me too

Sadness of life.

Some have 3 girlfriends and others have to pay hoes just to get some.

Prostitution is among the oldest businesses because a large percentage of men can’t get consensual sex from women.

What’s the difference between @Azor Ahai and @M2Random

One and the same person…

Pitia huko ukamate kamoja

SJ takes the cup. The ambience is awesome especially with the new renovations.