Which Sacco to join

What Sacco should I join? I want to save capital for starting a business so I am looking for good interest return. And this sacco should be good at financing business owners.



Enda Google and explore. Nevertheless this could be your guide to making a decision:

  1. Most saccos can offer you a loan after you have saved with them for 3 months. Others require that you do so for 6 months. Tafuta the ones that can advance you a loan facility in the shortest time.
  2. Interest. Take a keen look at interest. Not all saccos give you a 1% interest rate p.m. stima sacco gives you something different.
  3. Value of share capital. For stima or sharia sacco its 25k or sth. For unaitas, its 1k. You dont need to pay an arm and a leg to get the same ‘service’ or loan amount.

I may not highlight all the factors.
However, most saccos are not giving out loans at this time as most members are withdrawing their savings to meet the financial emergencies brought about by Covid-19.
All the best

Great advice.

  1. Join a Sacco where you know at least three credible people. Many Ignore the importance of getting a willing guarantor until when they need a loan.

Where do you live?

Check hiyo SACCO discussion kwa hii forum supersavers.co.ke ana kwa 52 Week Savings challenge paper Mkuru kwa Zuckerberg. Thank me later.

2NK Sacco,