Route 11 man man,
“Mathangu ma Kangemi” in a certain bantu dialect means dumpsite of Kangemi.
Pia Governor wa CBK ni Opus Dei na mimi naeza kuwa Jesuit. Anyway, Kiambu iko na top notch schools kwa wingi. Kusema ukweli, hii Kiambu yenu watu walipata pesa kabla watu wengine. 1900s, wazungu wakawaletea missions alafu wakahamisha capital city Mombasa wakaleta karibu. 1960s, Kenyatta akawapea prime share ya national cake. Sasa kila shule poa Kenya iko hio area. Kwetu Molo najua tu shule moja inaitwa St. Andrews Turi. Conclusion: Kiambu has benefitted most from Uthamaki priveleges.
Nax, Moi alitengeneza, hapo ndio ilikuwa bahati yetu.
There was a time the St Andrews Turi used to come shopping for students here. It so happened that most Kenyans were taking their kids back home to boarding schools. Quite why usiniulize. Yaani you immigrate alafu urudishe mtoto kwenye ulitoka?
On the issue of previledges si there was a backlash on Uhunye juzi? that he has neglected his backyard Kiambu?
miss muratina wacha zako, fwakin. Nilikuinbosk haukujibu
Matusi asubuhi hii yote kikikikikik si usalimike kwanza…I have been meaning to reply every single day…distractions and more distractions. Nitajibu leo.
Nimekuchapia thesis but you asked for it kikikiki. You know I am not short of a word or 2…by the time you complete reading it you will be zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
St. Andrew is a great school, the kind of school that will ensure your child ends up well. I can compare it with American private school. Some parents might feel their children are losing culture.
On the issue of previledges si there was a backlash on Uhunye juzi? that he has neglected his backyard Kiambu?
Today, they are somehow behind save Thika. There is also a larger population. But, they are still advantaged by close proximity to Nairobi.
St Andrews is a good school but how many can afford it? hapo above I meant to say that the Headie used to come and market the school to Kenyans in the UK. Parents sending their kids back to Kenya did look a bit silly to me since most of the schools in the UK provide the same learning facilities for free.
How about consolota compared to kianda,
Consolata is good. My siblings and Kazos studied there but that was before it became a secondary school. You know when they announce national exam results, do they not produce like a league table where you can check performance?
So consolata is better than kianda
Have you looked at the league of tables? I do not know about last year’s performances but surely this must be online. They are both good but don’t you have to factor in traffic and all other things?
Peleka mtoto GEMS, Cambridge school ,your children will benefit from having connection s na future employers au business partner s.School isn’t just school ,my fren
Who are your cuzos?
Jameni kikikiki…I will be blowing my cover bigtime. The little left. I can only tell you most of them are where you are. I once mentioned them to Kabudah in a general conversation and he said which ones, keep talking and do not stop…and my cover was gone.
He grew up with them! guys earn money online by joining.
Single parent ?