Which culture has influenced the world the most?

[COLOR=rgb(61, 142, 185)]I read a lot bro, life is too short to live the mainstream way.

The Britons are the real deal

The sons of Pharaoh ndio Mambo yote!!! Ra is the beginning of wisdom

Moshi ya bhangi yake inatoshana na ile ya Mo1 akichoma ivories

The kamba and Gishu culture, girls all over the world are being married yet they are not virgins.

:D:D Our local Somali-Arab should see this.

Oya @Bingwa Scrotum unaitwa apa kiasi

Kwa sababu ya Gilbeys gin

Yo’ll pray to Jesus - Jew
Muslims and Christians alike believe in Abraham , Issac , Jacob , Issa - all Jews

all the cultures mentioned above ie European , American , British , Greek , Egyptian all pay their allegiance to the this men of the Bible and the Koran

need i say more

Jewish culture rules

chinku with gun powder
india with the decimal numeral system and that ka sex book
middle east and their religions
greek & rome with government

Egyptian culture was too highly refined to have been from human origin. Just looking at their architecture, interior design, ornaments, Utensils, maths, medicine, religion, astronomy etc these guys were something else. And to think this was some 4-5 thousand bloody years ago!

I was watching some YouTube videos ati Egypt [or generally Africa] was the landing site of an alien civilization that infused their DNA with our chimp ancestors to produce homo sapiens sapiens.

This explains why for about 2 million years, the various humanoid ancestors like Australopithecus, Synjanthropas, Neodathal Man, Tugenensis etc roamed the earth. They were all hunter gatherers, with same features more or less. Then suddenly about 200k years ago this super smart subspecies appeared out of the blues and became the dominant species coz of brainpower.

There is evidence in the hieroglyphics and Egyptian scrolls of alien like flying saucers and other advanced sciences you would never imagine. It’s a fascinating subject

So yeah ancient Egypt ndio mama yao

:D:Di have disvirgined many kamba gals in my life projetory assisting many husbands of that tiresome work even assisting them get firsborn

We are under the influence of all cultures that have existed before and which we have interacted with in terms of politics, economics, religion, or in any other aspects. Those range from:
Roman culture
Egyptian culture
Local African tribes

There is no single culture that has dominated the world…
But the most influential according to me are The Greeks and then the rest of Europe in general

Of course he is lying


Na the Egyptian Asterix? Ama huyo Obelix ni mgani?

You are aware that the Egyptian civilization isn’t the oldest, right?

Ati too refined to be from human origin? Do you know the medicines they used? For example, do you know what they used to treat infertility and prevent pregnancies?

People take one good aspect of civilization and overlook thousands of primitive aspects to conclude a ‘super race’. Very conspiratory. For the hieroglyphics, one looks like a chopper. Did aliens come in choppers? It’s called pareidolia. Egypt was a primitive civilization but had good architects. That’s all there is.

Okay my guy @Mchizi, care to enlighten us ignorant folk who don’t know which is the oldest high civilization on the planet?

I might not know what medicine they used but I know their methods were incredibly advanced. They could perform C~sections and other surgeries and they knew how to perfectly preserve dead bodies for millennia. At a time before electricity and fridges. Even the Greek physician whom the Hippocratic Oath is named after learnt his craft in Kemet. Same with Archimedes, Pythagoras and a host of other Greek pioneers. Do you think the pyramids at Giza were built through guesswork or advanced calculus…

Kemet was simply the foundation of human civilization. It’s obvious that African teacher/priests taught the fundamentals of religion, science and math to Greeks who then taught the Romans.

Does this sound to you like a culture of dummies?

I never said, dummies. I said primitive, compared to today’s civilizations, of course. First off, they believed reason resided in the heart, and the brain was just filler material. A far cry from[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)] [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]a civilization so advanced it couldn’t have originated from this planet.

That’s just one. They have all the hallmarks of primitive human civilization. That’s was the entirety of my contention.