Where to service an Isuzu Elf Truck


Recently acquired a truck for my small biashara. It’s due for service but am yet to find a trusted and all round garage to service it.

I have been using relatives who are mechs to service it but they only change the filters and the diesel. Noticed that the rear wheel is been ‘eaten’ by the body of the truck. Could this be a spring issue? Not sure. Mark you it’s just the passenger side rear tyres.

Been a woman it’s hard to just visit a garage for fear of been extorted, lied to etc. Could be founded on unfounded

Am looking for a garage to be servicing. Helpful suggestions are welcome

Note: truck is ex Japan YOM 2014, most common load size is 3-4.5 ton

Hapo kwa mguu kuguza body ya truck inaweza kuwa axle ndio ime shift due to loose U bolt that secures the axle to the frame. On the other hand nirushie number i can service you…nimeona wewe ni pink handle in blue.

Umesaidika, what’s your location? Let me confirm if my guys can handle the Truck servicing nikurushie number but they are based along Enterprise Road

Where is the truck based? If you are around town, you can buy your spares from Allparts on kirinyaga road-they are appointed dealers of Isuzu parts and specialize in imported second hand trucks. Go with the chassis number it makes it easier to get the parts. But also if possible ukiambiwa shida na Makanika, sit with him. Let them give you the sample part enda nunua wewe mwenyewe let him fit as you watch, go home with your faulty parts. Ukimwachia gari he will fit substandard parts or one aide and neglect the other
Some are crafty, will make you sit for hours pretending to be looking for the part or goes to do other work, leaving you to bake in the sun. The end result is to discourage you from ever visiting the garage. You need to agree that he will work on it hadi iishe once you have the parts.

Any garage worth it’s salt can deal with such common body problems. Shida hua engine and tranny issues