Just a random observation, should the position a man seats during meals or in family gatherings mean something? I saw it back in the days with my father, he always had that seat “kiti ya mzee” ,hata akienda safari hakuna anayekaa mahali hapo. Fast forward ,I also have come to adopt the same mentality “kiti ya mzee”:slight_smile: in the house .

Peleka maswali za kijinga base ya jaba pumbaf

Kwani content imeisha

You can sit anywhere you want. I don’t normally sit in the sitting room unless on very rare occasions like when I have visitors. TV I watch in the bedroom, eating in the dining and generally I relax in the bedroom or gazebo outside. Sitting room ni ya watoto na mama.

A man should have his seat kwa nyumba.

A real mzee wa nyumba should have a seating place that is recognised and respected in said nyumba.

Ata kama hayuko

Shut up!

Fuck you idiot!

Nimekuudhi kwa sababu sijaulizia mambo ya lanye ama?

Tuwekee mada yako tuchambue tajiri.

You can have a preferred seat but taking it to the level of making it a law gives you the additional task of enforcing it.

Hii explanation yote kwani wewe ni domestic manager hukubaliwi kukaa na wenye keja, unaenda kuonea tv kwa sq?

My dining room has an 8 chair capacity with only two chairs at the width with arms.
When it is only me, mama, and the kids, everyone knows the parents sit on both ends with arms.
When we have visitors the arrangement changes depending on the number and comfort.

No one has made an effort to arrange the living room but I do have my favorite spots.
Kids have TV in their room.

The song goes like…
Sister sister sit on my lap
At far end is a broken seat…

na wale wa bedsitter tukae wapy?

Low IQ thread. Birrioneas don’t have time to sit in sitting rooms or to dictate who sits where

So you never spend any time with your family mnapitana like ships in the night in the same house?

The advantage of having small families is the seating arrangements. Plenty to choose from. Though everyone seems to have their ‘designated’ seat kwetu.