Where Is The Logic? Will We Ever Even Assemble Kenyan Branded Bicycles

A new imported bicycle from China or India costs Ksh 3,600. This means that manufacturing this bicycle is around Ksh 800, ($8) shipping and transportation from MSA port to NBO Ksh 200 per piece, reassembly costs Ksh 300 per piece, taxes Ksh 576


Profit ya Mhindi au Chinku = Ksh 1,724.

Why can’t we make these bicycles here in Kenya?

All Luhyas kina @Abba @MTINGIZA KITANDA!!! are asking that same question…

  1. Lack of market - FOr it to make commercial sense we need to have a big bicycle market in the country/region. We need to be able to sell >5000 bicycles daily. This means that atleast 30% of all adults need to own a bicycle and probably replace the bike every 2-3 years. This i believe is not the case. @Ndindu bicycle in the village is probably 20 years old and is rarely given new parts except tires every 3 years

  2. Lack of infrastructure specifically bike lanes - Most of the people with ability to buy bicycles live in urban areas. We all know that with exception of a few Kilometres on Ngong road bicycle infrastructure is non existent. More over where do you park you bike in tao? Where do you park your bike ukienda train station or bus station? There is zero motivation for an urban dweller to buy a bike because of this reason

  3. Lack of parks where urban kids can ‘safely and comfortable’ learn to ride bicycles. Most kids learn how to ride bicycles in a rough environment where they are at risk of being run over by a sewage truck or a school bus (the irony), or being hit by a speeding boda boda, or being knocked down by a careless driver. More-over ukitoka nje ya estate with your bike unapata wezi wamepanga line kwa gate. This psychologically discourages kids from appreciating the bicycle as a viable means of transport

  4. Lack of materials to build the bicycle - An investor setting up a bicycle manufucturing facility needs to procure materials for frames and all bicycle components. They need to stock up on relevant tools to shape the materials onto right shapes for assembly. They need to import accessries e.g. tyres, etc. This is a bit too risky especially considering the above 3 points. Heri kuweka pesa kwa fixed account

  5. Last and Most - It is very hard to do business in Kenya. NEMA, County govt, Chief, Police, KRA, etc will all be on your neck wanting your money. Kenya power hio time wamekufinya bill ya stima. NSSF, NHIF, Atwoli, insurance, KAM, etc all want part of your income. Alafu which Kenyan will opt to buy a bicycle made in Kenya whereas there is one ‘designed in Germany but manufuctured in China, made in UK, made in India using some fancy technology, etc’. Wakenya wataanza zile za “hizi baiskeli ni fake. Hii haina nguvu ata huwezi beba crate nne za maziwa bila kuvunja frame. Heri za China”.

Those are some of the reasons why you cant have bicycles made in Kenya.

You should seize the opportunity and start making the bicycles locally. It starts with you. Hata huko inje its individuals who make the bicycles not the govt.

Tell that to the 66% manufacturing tax plus Neema, Kenha, county government, national government, food handling certificate, NHIF, NSSF, environmental certificate and other shenanigans you need to pay for.

Dont waste your breath sir telling @johnpombe konyangi the way our government is killing businesses in kenya,this nigga I guess kongangi has him deeply in his pocket either by payment or the @Panyaste★ way.

Am not a luhya ghaseer mafi ya punda

Utalipa tax ifike 10k

poor education… crafts are passed on huku tunacram theories tu

It can help your mother fetch water in remote ukambani

Umeandika mengi but 90 % it is as usual the kawaida bonobo excuses .The only thing that makes sense is this

We lack an integrated supply chain and that makes it hard and expensive to source materials and parts .

Wakenya wataanza zile za "hizi baiskeli ni fake.

This is probably the biggest factor we can’t produce bikes and alot of other stuff, A kenyan will always go for imported rather then Kenyan made.

Necessity is the mother of inventions…our grandfather’s walikua na kila kitu. Good weather, land, food ndani ya forest including fruits…this made us lazy. Kama Europe weather mashida ilifanya waanze kuinvent vitu for survival.