Where is Patco???

My theory is Patricia snuck into a KKK meeting ati anatafuta like-minded friends… wakashika yeye and before he could even say Obama, wakachoma.


:D:D:D:D Bangi mnavuta wadau ni ile ya mbegu…

Hiyo humbwer ilidrown Atlantic ocean trying to reach New York. Mtu meffi sana.

I hear alienda Canada to visit his friend @WIGSPLITTA

Tauren pia

Ako vekeshen na hana wifi kejani,shule zilifungwa for winter nikidhani.

wachome yeye kabisa kunguni arap kiroboto yeye

@Old Monk niaye? merry xmas. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tauren = cotedivire = @Old Monk

Ako kaumbwa kakiona izo comments zenu mtatii!:smiley:

He is already here.

@Tauren ako tu area. Hako Ka-puppy hakawezi kaa mbali na kijiji.

I’ve tried searching for his name amepotea kama Purple. I can’t blame him, mlimvote no.1 “most retarded talker” tena no.1 “most hated talker.” Kwani mnafikiri huyu jamaa hana feelings kama nyoka?


I think we should try and be more accommodative, this is an anonymous forum. I don’t get it why some members are getting banned.
If you have problems with a member, just ignore.
As much as he could sometimes go on a ranting streak, the chap had knowledge on some topics.

It’s funny because when you engage him in an argument jamaa is quite coherent lakini when you switch to normal useless banter he becomes abusive. :smiley: It’s the other way round for most people here. Ukishinda mtu argument anaanza matusi but when it comes to useless banter they are usually easy.

It’s easy to say that when your threads don’t get derailed and you’re not being harassed by 50 different handles. At some point the administrators have to step in otherwise what exactly is their role here? In any case Patco is never gone for long. He will be back soon.

I believe this theory and will not be persuaded otherwise:D

The narrative would’ve been perfect if you’d incorporated his falling trousers somewhere, just because. You know, just before he got medium-r(e)ared:D:D