Where does Kenya stand in the Congo crisis?

Let us first go back to the times of Mobutu Se Seko and meet a man called Etienne Tsishekedi the opposition leader. This is the father of Felix Tsishekedi. Being in the opposition he got to meet the doyen of African opposition Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. Their families became friends and this means Raila and Felix have been friends for years. When Mobutu started hitting the opposition hard, Etienne Tsishekedi went on exile in Belgium and that’s where Felix grew up

Felix, lacking a strong ground presence and with the then incumbent Joseph Kabila having endorsed a candidate to run on his party, he knew he had to have a powerful force make way for him

The powerful force wa his childhood friend Raila Odinga. Felix took a flight to Nairobi and went to Capital Hill Centre. After their meeting Felix announced at Capital Hill Centre that he would be running for president. Nobody took notice in Congo.

The only way Felix had a chance was if Kabisa endorsed him. Raila has just had a handshake with Uhuru. So, he took Felix and off they went to meet Uhuru. Afew days after the meeting, outgoing President Joseph Kabila withdrew his support for his party’s candidate and endorsed Felix.

Despite the endorsement, Felix was not a major force and vote rigging was the option. The head of electoral body head was one Cornelle Naanga. Despite irregularities being flagged and the popular candidate Fayulu showing leaked data that proved he won, Felix was declared the winner. Global leaders shunned his inauguration except Uhuru Kenyatta. Soon after Uhuru worked to have DRC join the EAC. Kenya was then invited to send peacekeepers to DRC and Uhuru was tasked with mediating the crisis.

Cornelle Napanga later left the electoral body, changed his corporate suits for fatigues and spotted a bushy grey beard. He then came to Kenya and at a Nairobi hotel declared that he was forming a political and military alliance. That was not a major announcement for Congo but what he said next causes trauma, “We have no interest in Goma or Bukavu, our interest is Kinshasa.” No militia in recent history had expressed an interest in Kinshasa for years. Felix cried foul and asked why Kenya was allowing warmongers on its soil. President Ruto replied that w Kenya was a democracy country where freedom of speech was guaranteed. Uhuru his predecessor on the other hand condemned the threat to a legitimate government. For a president who abducted Besigye on request by Museveni, it was surprising to hear him pontificate about democracy. This points to the possibility of Ruto working with Museveni to support Naanga.

Here are my questions:
1.What deal was entered between Uhuru/Raila and Felix?
2. What interests does Ruto have in Congo and who is he represent?

Poor Raila is caught up in the middle. He wants Ruto’s support for AUC seat and he would wish to support his friend Felix and safeguard whatever dividends he and Uhuru are cashing in Congo.


If these canines did the necessary, then we won’t have the above criminal.


Raila na Nyong Nyong walifurahi sana vile huyo so-called tshikedi aliingia kwa power.


They got to put their fingers in the cookie jar

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Niaje john kamau


Poa Macharia Gaitho


Stop muddying the already turbulent and troubled waters in the DRC

Kenya has no “Locus Standi” or direct business in the affairs of DRC.

We have enough of our own problems that Kaongo and his Hustler Shareholder Conmen Regime have not even began to address

Bure Kabisa:rage::hotsprings:

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I have no voice big enough to stir the waters. And I’m not talking about Kenya as a country but the individuals in leadership. I formulates the topic as a question because our leaders are making Kenya appear to have double standards.

… Oh before I forget, wewe ni mutu bure, bureee bure kabisa


Your sentiments about me aside
(…You are fully entitled to them …)

Kenya has currently no one in current leadership worth speaking about.

Even the so-called “opposition” has joined in the exploitation of it own Citizens.

They are all charlatans , killers , thugs with absolutely no morals or principles and totally devoid of integrity.

And I stand by my words:rage:

And I agree with you. I’m saying they have exported their immorality to our neighbours

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Felix doesn’t have any influence. He is kabila bottom

You have done a serious research or you follow regional politricks well
Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards

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He was not Kabila’s choice. He is an Uhuru Raila choice. I don’t know the carrot and or stick they showed Kabisa to make him abandon his candidate. I assume he had his corrupt dealings that Nairobi knew